A green carpet from Vinca minor - how to proceed?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
🌿 Vinca Minor Plant | Growing Vinca Minor - SGD 343 🌿
Video: 🌿 Vinca Minor Plant | Growing Vinca Minor - SGD 343 🌿


The groundcover Vinca Minor forms a beautiful green carpet

A green carpet from Vinca minor - how to proceed?

The name "Green Carpet" is used in specialty stores mostly as a variety name for the small periwinkle (Vinca minor). In fact, this term should rather refer to the possible use as a low ground cover and help in the demarcation of the higher-alert Great Periwinkle (Vinca major).

Select the location and prepare properly

The periwinkle can be well planted as a green carpet in a garden, but the plant is not always a substitute for lawns. Although it is tempting that the evergreen as a ground cover has little or no need to cut, in very sunny locations, it can not thrive really well. In garden corners under tall trees or with only a few hours of sunshine per day, the small evergreen dagegn usually feels very well. The soil should store moisture well enough so that the periwinkle does not enter dry phases immediately. Very heavy and compacted soils should be dug up before planting Vinca minor and accumulated with the compost deposited. This also ensures sufficient fertilization in the first year.

Get the pase number of young plants

It can be challenging to add the needed number of seedlings for a green carpet of periwinkle
to calculate. For example, the following factors come into play:

Basically, we assume a plant distance of 25 cm between the plants and quantities of 5 to 12 plants per m2. Seed cultivation is relatively complicated and is hardly practiced.

Maintain an evergreen carpet of small evergreens

After a new planting of Vinca minor should be poured more frequently, so that the plants can grow well. Since the periwinkle later protects itself as a closed green carpet even the soil from dehydration, it comes in normal weather conditions with very little pouring and other care. If you want to cut the small evergreen, be careful not to cut too deep. Always allow enough ramifications near the ground and use the cuttings obtained during cutting for vegetative propagation.


Particularly attractive effects occur during flowering in the spring when you mix Vinca minor varieties with differently colored and shaped flowers on a larger area in the garden. However, you must then pay close attention to the care instructions of each variety: after all, some varieties are much less hardy than the wild form of Vinca minor.