Overwintering verbs - does it make sense?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Learn English: MAKE or DO?
Video: Learn English: MAKE or DO?


Overwintering verbs - does it make sense?

Most verbena species tolerate absolutely no frost or at least are extremely sensitive when temperatures fall below the 0 ° C limit. But with the right strategy, you can sustain your verbs for up to 3 years and bring them through the wintertime.

About the meaningfulness of wintering verbs

Basically, it is not recommended to make the effort to overwinter frost-sensitive verbs. These plants bloom from summer to fall and produce numerous seeds, with which they like to reproduce independently.

This is how it works: outdoor and pot-planting

With plants in the field, one proceeds as follows:

Potted plants on the balcony:

After the winter

After the ice saints have passed in May, you can free your Verbena in the garden from their frost protection coat and put the pot back on the balcony without protection. If you forget it in the fall, trim the shoots just above the ground.

Tips & Tricks

If you have not decided yet, choose hardy verbenas like Verbena hastata or Verbena officinalis.