Reproduction of the Venus flytrap in the house

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Venus Fly Trap Terrarium
Video: The Venus Fly Trap Terrarium


The Venus flytrap can be multiplied in different ways

Reproduction of the Venus flytrap in the house

In the wild, the Venus flytrap propagates through seeds and through the formation of new rhizomes. The reproduction of bred plants in the house can be achieved but also on leaf cuttings. So multiply Venus fly traps.

The methods of reproduction of Venus fly traps

The simplest is to grow Venus flytrap by division. The plant forms new rhizomes every year. This form of reproduction is also the fastest. If you pull Venus fly traps out of seeds or cuttings, you need a lot of patience until blossoms form and the characteristic trap traps.

Reproduction via seeds

If the flowers that develop from the third or fourth year are not cut, seeds are formed after pollination. You can harvest these and sow them yourself.

Note that the venus flytrap belongs to the cold germs and the light germs. The seeds must go through a cold phase and must not be covered after sowing.

Propagation over rhizomes

Reproduction via rhizomes is very easy. In spring, if you should repot your Venus flytrap anyway, just divide larger plants.

All you have to do is pull the venus flytrap apart with your hands. The offshoots you plant in new pots, which is filled with carnivorous soil. The young plants are cultivated as well as adult specimens.

Pull new plants from leaf cuttings

In order to reproduce Venus fly traps via leaf cuttings, you need a healthy plant. Cut into leaf as low as possible at the base. It is ideal if a residual root remains on the cuttings.

Prepare pots with loose peat and put the leaf cuttings in it. Set the pot very bright, but not directly in the sun.

Make sure that the planting substrate remains evenly moist. Several weeks may pass before the first roots develop. The offshoot is then placed in pots of carnivorous soil and maintained as normal.


Venus fly traps are the most well-known carnivorous plants, although they occur in nature only in a very limited area. The care of the carnivorous plant is not that easy. As a beginner plant, the novice should prefer to use buttercup species.