Cut off the flower of the Venus flytrap better

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Reasons to Cut off the Flowers of Your Venus Flytrap (with instructions)
Video: 5 Reasons to Cut off the Flowers of Your Venus Flytrap (with instructions)


The flower costs the Venus flytrap a lot of power

Cut off the flower of the Venus flytrap better

Venus fly traps are not drawn because of the flowers, but because of the striking trapper. If the Venus flytrap flowers, significantly fewer traps are formed. It is therefore advisable to cut off the flowers - unless you want to harvest seeds for propagation.

Blossoms deprive the venus flytrap much strength

If flower buds are noticeable, you should cut them off immediately. The more a Venus flytrap flowers, the fewer traps develop.

Cut off the flower stems at the base and dispose of them.

You can also breed new Venus fly traps from the seeds made in the pollinated flowers. In this case, leave two inflorescences stand until they are dry.


If you want to harvest seeds, make sure the flower is fertilized. Ripen the seeds carefully and store them in the refrigerator until sowing. In early spring, you may sow the seeds.