Violets - not only edible, but also healthy

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Arrowleaf Violet  - Another amazing edible that is probably in your yard
Video: Arrowleaf Violet - Another amazing edible that is probably in your yard


Violets are a delicious, beautiful decoration and very healthy

Violets - not only edible, but also healthy

Violets - not in the face, but in the earth - are well known to most people. Who does not recognize their purple flowers and who does not love their aromatic scent? But that these flowers are edible, few people know ...

All violet species are edible

Without hesitation you can eat all types of violets. They are not poisonous but very tasty. The leaves taste pleasantly mild. The flowers of, for example, the forest violet or violet have a delicious perfume-like aroma.

Still in note on the edge Unwise: The African violet is not a violet plant, but a representative of the family Gesneriengewächse. This plant is poisonous and should not be consumed!

Violet leaves and violet flowers in the kitchen

The leaves of violets can be used for salads such as mixed wild herb salads or lettuce, for smoothies and green juices. Also they taste very pleasant. Since there are no harmful ingredients, you can hit the leaves abundantly.

But above all, it is the flowers that are used in the kitchen. Often they serve as a garnish of food. But there are also other areas of use for her. Here are some ideas:

Impact on the body

Violets perform a wide spectrum of activity in and on the body. Even in ancient times they were known to have a softening, cooling and soothing effect. Furthermore, they have an analgesic, antibacterial, circulation-enhancing, hemostatic, laxative and decongestant.

The healing properties of violets can be used among others in the following complaints:

When and how to collect and store?

Viola should best be collected at flowering time. Most species bloom between March and June. Either just collect the flowers or cut the flowers together with some leaves. The plant parts can be freshly used or dried.

Tips & Tricks

Most people can eat only a few fresh violet flowers because their flavor is so intense. So how about drying the flowers and using them later, for example, for tea before bedtime?