The vanilla flower, a very attractive balcony plant

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cottagecore Stardew Valley Mods
Video: Cottagecore Stardew Valley Mods


The vanilla flower also feels good on the balcony - as long as it gets enough sun

The vanilla flower, a very attractive balcony plant

The vanilla flower from the Andes region enchants the balcony with its large flower balls. The pretty Raublattgewächs spreads a very pleasant vanilla flavor, scores with robustness and is extremely easy to clean.

Location on the balcony

Heliotrope needs a sunny or at least partially shady location to thrive well. The non hardy flowering plant may only be put into the wild when guaranteed no night frosts are to be expected.

The right substrate

You can put the vanilla flower as a mixed plantation with other balcony flowers in commercial potting soil. Since Heliotrope prefers very permeable soils, you must pay attention to good water extraction. A thin layer of expanded clay in the planters is therefore recommended.

Sufficiently pour

Never let the pot bale dry out completely, as the vanilla flower reacts just as sensitively as it does to waterlogging. Always pour when the upper centimeters of the substrate feel dry (thumb sample).

How is fertilized?

Unlike many flowering plants Heliotrope needs rather sparse fertilizer inputs. Dose once a month half of the specified amount of a commercial liquid fertilizer. Even a low-dose long-term fertilizer or fertilizer sticks are well tolerated.

If you mop up the solstice every year, you can even do without additional fertilizer.

Regularly clean

The seed formation costs the plant a lot of power. Therefore, remove the deciduous umbels at least once a week.


Heliotrope is not hardy and needs to move into the house before temperatures drop below five degrees. The ideal location during hibernation is:

Since the plant stops growing during this time, just enough is poured to prevent the substrate from drying out completely.

In the spring

In the spring, remove withered foliage and all dried up plant parts. A pruning ensures that the solstice expels strong and richly branched.


Heliotrope is poisonous in all parts of plants. Place the plant on the balcony so that small children or pets can not inadvertently nibble from the leaves and flowers.