Fight weeds in the lawn - the 10 best tips

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Fix an Ugly Lawn - Killing Lawn Weeds
Video: How to Fix an Ugly Lawn - Killing Lawn Weeds


Fight weeds in the lawn - the 10 best tips

Turmeric weed affects the green business card of amateur gardener not only visually, but in the entire existence. In order to successfully remove Dandelion, Honorary Award and Associates, we have compiled the 10 best tips for you.

Next article To recognize the most common lawn diseases

Tip 1: Remove grass weed manually - that's how it works

According to the classical method of weed-killing, remove unwanted plants from the lawn by hand. In the early stage of infestation, this effort can prove to be quite effective in permanently removing grass weeds. First and foremost, it is the one-year-old seed weeds that are to be destroyed. Perennial root weeds, such as brownelle or buttercup, remove as follows:

The weed cutter is designed so that no root pieces remain in the ground. The plants are able to exorcise themselves even from tiny remnants.

The most common lawn weeds

Almost 1,000 plant species are by definition assigned to the weeds. The following table shows which species are most notable as lawn weeds:

Tip 2: Get rid of weeds mechanically

If lawn weeds are already widespread, manual methods of control are limited. In order to free the strained green area from the weeds, you will receive help from a scarifier. This is a special device that combs clover, moss and other weeds with its knives. Here's how to do it:

Tip 3: Destroy grass weed with foil

On smaller lawns, you can kill weeds with no physical effort or mechanical support using a black plastic wrap. This acts as an effective agent against weeds because it interrupts the supply of light. Where there are no sunbeams there is no photosynthesis and therefore no growth.

The tarpaulin is fixed with stones, sand or plastic anchors. After a waiting period of 2-3 months the lawn weed has arrived. In contrast, the grass will recover quickly as part of a professional lawn care. Even faster is the reseeding of a grass suitable for the location.

Tip 4: Use chemical sprays against weeds in the lawn

If you are dealing with hardened weeds in your lawn, manual and mechanical techniques will not work. If you do not want to opt for a new plant and do not want to turn the lawn into a wildflower meadow, you can not avoid being a chemical weed killer. The following sprays are approved for the home garden and have worked well:

In order for these weed killers to reach their full potential, spray them preferably in mild, dry weather. Ideally, the lawn was fertilized 14 days before, because sprays act on the leaf mass. Therefore we recommend not mowing the lawn in the days before.

Tip 5: In a double pack against lawn weed - this is how it works

With a combined product of weed killer and fertilizer, you take grass weeds in the pliers. While the contained agent is active against weeds, the grasses are supplied with nutrients for a period of 100 days. In this way you not only free the green area from annoying plants, but at the same time transform it into the longed-for, lush green carpet.

To achieve the desired result, the lawn is first mowed and scarified. Then you spread with the spreading the combi-agent against weeds and water with the lawn sprinkler. Mowing is only done again when no more fertilizer grains are visible.

Tip 6: This is how lime acts as an effective weed killer

A perfectly maintained lawn has a pH between 6 and 7. If this value falls below 5.5, the soil acid drifts into the acidic area. In such soil most of the weeds and mosses thrive best. Therefore, first test the pH in a weed lawn using a test kit from the hardware store. According to the results of the lawn is gekaltkt well dosed.

So that the lawn can process the lime perfectly, it is scarred as much as possible in the forerunner. If the administration of fertilizer is planned, there should be a time interval of 3-4 weeks between both preparations. Do not inject any weed during this time, otherwise an incalculable accumulation of the active ingredients could damage the lawn.

If you are confronted with limescale weeds, such as horn clover, we strongly advise against limescale. Since the pH in this case should be above 7 anyway, lime now has a counterproductive effect.

Tip # 7: Get rid of weeds with natural agents

In the natural garden managed home remedies are trumps. Environmentally conscious hobby gardeners are therefore always looking for a natural remedy for weeds, beyond back pain from weeding, expensive rental fees for Scarifiers and the chemical club. With a great deal of perseverance, remove weed so:


A traditional home remedy for weed killing is frowned upon today. Vinegar and salt were used as sprays on paths and surfaces at grandfather's time.However, the two active ingredients in combination destroy all life in the soil. In the revised version of the Phytosanitary Act of 2019, the spraying of vinegar and salt is prohibited and will be punished with fines if ignored.

Tip 8: Professional mowing as a remedy for weeds - that's how it works

Properly used, the lawnmower serves as a powerful agent against weeds. Grass weed needs a sufficient amount of light to germinate. Therefore do not mow deeper than 4 centimeters. At this cutting height weed seeds are permanently shaded by the grasses, which prevents germination.

In order to free the lawn from weeds, it should be mowed every 7 days as regularly as possible. In the long term, the unwanted plants declined and eventually retreated. In addition, dedicate adequate care to the green area, so that no new weeds can walk more. A balanced water and nutrient balance is just as important as annual scarifying and airing.

Tip 9: Suppress weeds in the lawn with turbo-seeding

Various remedies for weeds leave more or less large bald spots and holes in the lawn. So that cunning grass weed does not settle here immediately, resuming with turbo effect counteracts. The specialized trade offers for this purpose products, which consist of a special lawn soil and rapidly germinating lawn seeds.

The gaps or bumps are filled with the agent, rolled and then watered. In the aftermath, the new lawn thrives so quickly that approaching weed seeds get no chance of germination.

Tip 10: Roll grass sandwich method as final weed killing

If a lawn is only faintly reminiscent of a green carpet, creative hobby gardeners use the turf sandwich method. Within a day, the garden adorns itself with a velvety flagship nose, completely without weeds. This is how it works:

The dense sod of the turf reliably prevents the grass weeds underneath fighting for the surface.

Tips & Tricks

While mulch on the lawn promotes the growth of weeds, grass clippings themselves serve as effective mulching material in the bed. However, no fresh clippings should be used. Just let it wither in a corner of the garden and distribute it finger-thick in the garden or the perennial flowerbed. Beikräuter be suppressed, the soil remains moist for longer and is supplied with additional nutrients.