Maintaining tulips properly - this is how it is, during and after flowering

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
🌷 ~ Tulip Care after Bloom ~ 🌷
Video: 🌷 ~ Tulip Care after Bloom ~ 🌷


Tulips only need to be poured when it rains a little

Maintaining tulips properly - this is how it is, during and after flowering

With the skilful planting in autumn, you are well on the way to the long-awaited tulip blossom in spring. Now it all depends on a well-balanced care program that sets the course for the following season before, during and after flowering. All important questions about the perfect tulip care are illuminated here.

Tulips Plant Like The Pros - How To Do It Right Next article

How and when are tulips to be watered?

Tulips grow and bloom at a time of year that is generally rich in natural rainfall. Only water your spring flowers when the soil has dried sensibly. In pot and balcony box, this may be more common than in the flowerbed. Please allow the water to run slowly on the root disc until no moisture is absorbed. As any waterlogging causes the flower bulbs to rot, in case of doubt, pour later than premature.

Do tulips need to be fertilized?

Among hobby gardeners, the rumor persists that tulips could do without fertilizer. In fact, the gift of a full load of solid fertilizer should be frowned upon. Nevertheless, in order for the bulbs to have enough energy for flowering, they should not be stingy with nutrients. How to do it right:

The end of flowering does not mean the end of the supply of nutrients for tulips. Continue to fertilize in the normal rhythm until the collected leaves are cut off.

When should the pruning take place?

Please cut your tulips in 2 stages. The withered flower cups are capped in a timely manner to prevent the power-consuming seed growth. The leaves cut only when they are completely dead.

Can tulip bulbs overwinter in the ground?

A normal, Central European winter can not harm your tulips in the ground. On the other hand, if your garden is located in a region with deep ground frost, we recommend a layer of compost or Lauberde for winter protection. In pot culture tulip bulbs are always endangered in winter, so a stay in the frost-free room makes sense.

Which diseases can be expected?

Different types of mushrooms are targeting tulips. In addition to the usual suspects, such as real and downy mildew, a pathogen has specialized in Tulipa. The speech is of gray mold spores of the genus Botrytis tulipae. The disease, known as the tulip fire, manifests itself in crippled flowers, leaves and rotting onions.Effective control agents are not yet available for the home garden.

Which pests can attack tulips?

Enemy number 1 is the voracious vole for tulips. So that the onions do not land in the stomach of the furry Nimmersatte, we recommend the planting in the Vühlmauskorb. In addition, in the spring flocks of nudibranchs move to lava on the flowers and leaves. With snail collars, walking barriers and if necessary snail grain keep the brood at a distance.


A two-hour bath in 45-degree warm water reliably kills pests hidden in tulip bulbs, such as the tulip bulbs.