Plant Tulip Magnolia properly

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plant Profile: Caring and Planting Magnolias
Video: Plant Profile: Caring and Planting Magnolias


Tulip magnolia should be planted in a sunny spot

Plant Tulip Magnolia properly

The tulip magnolia (Magnolia soulangiana) is a fascinating spring bloomer, which attracts every eye with its light pink, tulip-like flowers. Like any magnolia, this species is quite capricious, but with proper care it can still delight your grandchildren. However, when planting the specific needs of this tree should be discussed.

Early article plant tulip magnolia in the sun Next article Tulip Magnolia - Care, Diseases, Wintering

Which location does the tulip magnolia prefer?

Tulip magnolias need a sunny to partially shaded spot, warm and sheltered as possible.

In which substrate should the tulip magnolia be planted?

This tulip species feels most comfortable in normal, loose and slightly humid garden soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH value. Like all magnolias, tulip magnolia does not tolerate lime. At best, put the tree in rhododendron earth.

When is the best planting time for the tulip magnolia?

Very suitable for a planting is the late spring after the Eisheiligen or the early autumn.

How should one plant the tulip magnolia?

The planting hole should be about twice as large as the root ball, in addition, the young tree is supported by a plant rod. Around the freshly planted tulip magnolia, you can dig a pouring edge so that the water really gets to the roots.

Does it make sense to mulle the root area of ​​tulip magnolia?

The root area should always be mulched with magnolias to protect the sensitive roots from heat, cold and dehydration.

Which planting distance should be kept to other plants?

Since the Tulpenmagnolie can grow up to nine meters high and at least as wide in age, the tree should be planted as a solitary with sufficient space.

Can you transplant the tulip magnolia?

Tulip magnolias should only be used when it is really necessary.

What is the best way to multiply the tulip magnolia?

The most suitable for propagation is the refinement, but the tulip magnolia can also be multiplied by sinkers or seeds. Another possibility is the Abmoosen.

When does tulip magnolia bloom?

Magnolia flower before the leaves, but have a very short flowering time between - depending on the species and variety - early April and early May. The delicate flowers should be protected from frost.


The roots of the tulip magnolia run very flat under the earth, but can expand strongly in the width. For this reason, it does not make sense to make plantings in the root zone - these not only compete for food, but can also damage the sensitive magnolia roots.