Trumpet tree loves sunny and warm location

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The trumpet tree loves sun

Trumpet tree loves sunny and warm location

The Common Trumpet Tree (Catalpa bignonioides) is native to the warm and sunny southeast of the USA, but has also been cultivated increasingly as an ornamental tree for some time now.

Sunny location with lots of space preferred

The trumpet tree needs a lot of sun as well as warmth and a sheltered location. The deciduous deciduous tree tolerates direct sunlight and heat without any problems, but it is quite sensitive to frost. If you do not want to plant a small cultivar like the ball-trumpet tree "Nana", you should also plan plenty of space - the trumpet tree can grow up to 18 meters high and develops a fairly expansive crown.

Nutrient-rich, slightly moist soil is ideal

In its homeland, the deciduous tree is found mainly on river banks and on floodplains. As a result, you should also choose a slightly moist, very nutrient-rich soil with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH in this country.


Although both plants carry a similar name, you should not confuse the trumpet tree with the highly poisonous flower shrub Brugmansia (also known as the "angel trumpet").