Tomato vergeilen - why it is - that is to be done

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Geilwuchs / Vergeilung in der Anzucht 👍 Erklärung und Tipps | Chili, Paprika, Tomaten und Co.
Video: Geilwuchs / Vergeilung in der Anzucht 👍 Erklärung und Tipps | Chili, Paprika, Tomaten und Co.


Tomato vergeilen - why it is - that is to be done

In a short time, if seedlings form unnatural long shoots, they are full of fear in search of light. This unhealthy growth spurt is called haunting. How it is triggered and what to do, can be found out here.

This is how you effectively prevent displacement

The heat-loving and light-hungry tomatoes can only be planted from mid-May outdoors and unheated greenhouse. Therefore hobby gardeners prefer them in bright, warm rooms. After sowing in early / middle of March seeds germinate within 10 to 14 days. If the temperatures and light conditions are not right now, the seedlings will spoil. How to prevent unnatural growth:

In the local regions, the normal daylight is barely enough to provide tomatoes with enough brightness for photosynthesis. Experienced tomato growers therefore use special growth bulbs to prevent spoilage. These are light sources that irradiate plants with exactly the right spectrum of light waves.

Rescue spilled seedlings

When the tomato plants are afraid to reach the light, sooner or later they will overturn. As long as the averted drive does not break, there is still hope for salvation. Place the plant so deep in the soil that the kink is stabilized. From the subterranean stem parts fresh adventiv roots are now driving out. In addition, the aboveground shoot is tied to a tomato stick.

Tips & Tricks

As a clever alternative to expensive plant lamps, large mirrors have been found. Find tomato seedlings Place on the warm south window of the house, place a mirror behind the planters. Reflecting daylight is usually sufficient so that the plantlets do their life-threatening photosynthesis without being spoiled.