Tomatoes right - constructive tips & tricks

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tomatoes right - constructive tips & tricks - Garden
Tomatoes right - constructive tips & tricks - Garden


Tomatoes right - constructive tips & tricks

Fresh tomatoes from their own garden are unbeatable. To properly grow the paradise apples in the bed, greenhouse and tub, the following tips and tricks make a helpful contribution.

So sowing succeeds

For the successful cultivation of tomatoes, the time and temperature are of fundamental importance. Other factors fit seamlessly here, so that the sensitive tomato plants are well prepared for the outdoor season. How to sow tomato seeds properly:

An exemplary germination temperature of 20-24 degrees Celsius, attracts the delicate cotyledons within 10-14 days. In the meantime, seed and substrate must not dry out and should not be soaked.

Here seedlings have no desire to fuck

After germination, tomato plantlets grow rapidly in tempo. Within a few days, further pairs of leaves thrive, so that the seedlings should now urgently be transplanted. As you poke correctly and the young shoots effectively prevent the Vergeilung, betray the following lines:

So that the young plants do not freak out their instincts in search of light, the focus is on the location. In cooler temperatures of 16-18 degrees Celsius, it should be really bright. In this way, the tomato plants develop the desired compact, stocky habit and show no interest in ailing growth.

Properly plant in bed and tub

At the earliest in the middle of May, the season starts in the field for heat-loving tomato plants. The only suitable locations are sunny locations, both in the bed and in the greenhouse and on the balcony. The soil is rich in nutrients, humus, permeable and fresh. As a substrate for the planter provides nutritious vegetable soil. In addition, enrich the soil with compost and horn shavings or other organic fertilizer.

Rain protection is essential because otherwise the risk of cabbage rot increases. You can plant individual tomatoes under a special hood or you can quickly build a small tomato house yourself. Do not forget to provide your tomato plants with a climbing aid. Practically useful are the innovative spiral rods, on which some varieties can not be connected at all. Do not put more than three plants per square meter.

The nuts and bolts of tomato growing: professional care

If the excitement surrounding the planting out in the garden well, then the tomato growing now enters the constant care protocol. Everything revolves around the following works:

Of highest value for a vital growth is the targeted distribution of rich mulch material. Properly mulching protects at the same time the tomato plants from the dreaded brown rot. Spread nettle leaves, spicy tomato leaves or willow grass on the ground. A layer of straw is added to minimize splashing during casting. Higher than 3 inches, the layer must not be.

Properly eating - so the fruits are bulging and large

If you want to harvest many small cherry tomatoes, you can save yourself from having to pay. All other hobby gardeners can not avoid this care work. The finding is based on the fact that tomato plants want to branch abundantly. It costs so much energy that there are no reserves left for magnificent fruits. So that they sting with their forces, superfluous side shoots are removed. This is how it works:

Tips & Tricks

Growing tomatoes yourself is the ideal way to make a lean line. Already the daily way to the plants and the care work, consumes a lot of calories. Then come the freshly harvested fruits every day on the table with ridiculous 18 calories per 100 grams, tumble the pounds as if by themselves.