Rotate or excavate thuja roots?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Propagating Green Giant Arborvitae | Rooting Hardwood Thuja Cuttings
Video: Propagating Green Giant Arborvitae | Rooting Hardwood Thuja Cuttings


It is easier to leave the thuja roots in the ground

Rotate or excavate thuja roots?

If the Thuja hedge is in an unfavorable position or if a sick tree of life has to be replaced, the roots pose a problem. Can you just let the roots rot in the ground or do you need to get the rootstock completely out of the ground? How fast do thuja roots rot?

How long does the rotting of thuja roots take?

The bad news is that rotting a thuja root can take years. The only good thing about it is that unlike other trees and shrubs, the Tree of Life does not drive out after capping.

If other plants are to be planted instead of the hedge from tree of life, only the excavation of the root remains to you.

The garden may be badly affected. If necessary, you should hire a garden specialist with the removal of roots.

Speed ​​up the rotting of thuja roots

If you leave the roots in the ground so that they rot there, you can accelerate this process a bit:

Mow down the trunk as far as possible. Drill, saw or pierce many holes in the roots and fill them with compost. The microorganisms brought into the roots cause a faster decomposition.

Pour topsoil above the roots. Then you can at least sow grass over it. Keep in mind, however, that the more the root rots, the lower the soil at the root site will decrease over time.

Dig up thuja roots

Digging thuja roots makes sense if you want to put something else in the hedge place afterwards. As a Flachwurzler can get a younger tree of life quite easily from the ground.

For older, thick Thujen you need a lot of time and power or a mini excavator. The excavator is definitely worth it if you have to dig up the roots of a whole Tree of Life hedge. However, not every garden is passable by a mini excavator. Also, other plants are affected.


Sometimes it can be read on the internet that a thuja can simply be poisoned. That's not advisable. They damage the environment and create a danger for children and animals.