The right location for the Thuja

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Transplant Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae | Changing The Spacing Between Trees
Video: How To Transplant Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae | Changing The Spacing Between Trees


Thuja likes it sunny

The right location for the Thuja

Whether you plant thuja as a hedge or as a solitary in the garden - the location plays an important role. Only in the right place will the tree of life thrive and grow fast. How to find a good location for the Thuja.

The right location for the Thuja

If the Thuja hedge is directly in the shade, it will not grow fast and will certainly not be opaque.

Stay away from roads and paths that are strewn with road salt in winter. The salt does not get the thuja and leads to brown spots.

Since Thuja is a Flachwurzler, poses no danger to her for underground supply lines and cables.


Thuja is poisonous, in all plant parts. Particularly at risk are children and domestic animals and grazing animals. Therefore, look for a location where there is no danger from the tree of life.