Plant Thuja emerald - tips and tricks

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to grow Emerald Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ’Smaragd’) with detailed description
Video: How to grow Emerald Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ’Smaragd’) with detailed description


The Thuja emerald likes it sunny

Plant Thuja emerald - tips and tricks

Thuja emerald is one of the most popular varieties of Thujen. So that the tree of life grows well, the choice of the location is very important. Also, Thuja emerald is not as well as a plant for the hedge, but should rather be planted individually. This is how you plant Thuja emerald.

Which location is suitable for Thuja Emerald?

Thuja emerald likes to like sunny to partially shaded. In the shade the tree of life thrives only badly. Also, the beautiful green color does not really stand out here.

Is Thuja Emerald suitable for a hedge?

Thuja emerald can be planted as a hedge. However, the growth is very slim, so that the Thuja hedge is not so quickly opaque. In addition, Thuja emerald needs a greater planting distance, so that the roots can develop properly.

How should the substrate be?

When is the best planting time?

The best planting time is the spring. Then the Thujen have enough time to develop many roots and become frost hardy before the winter.

Which planting distance must be observed?

Thuja emerald should not be as dense as other thuja varieties. In the hedge, the distance should be at least 60 cm, better still 80 cm. As a single tree, a distance of one meter is sufficient.

How do you prepare the soil?

Loosen the soil well and remove all thickening, old roots, stones, etc. Heavy clay soil should be mixed with sand. Apply drainage on moist soil.

Mix compost, mature manure and horn shavings under the potting soil.

How to plant Thuja emerald right?

Lift a planting hole that is twice as wide as the root ball. For a hedge, create a planting trench.

Insert the Thuja emerald and fill the trench or planting hole with substrate. Join the earth. It is favorable, if you leave a casting edge.

After planting the tree of life is well watered, and that for several weeks. Fertilizing is only necessary if the soil has not been improved with compost or you have planted rootless Thuja emerald.

How do you multiply the tree of life?

The propagation takes place via cuttings (seedlings) or seeds. The best time to propagate cuttings is midsummer.

When does Thuja emerald bloom?

The flowering season is in April and May. The fruits are ripe in September or October.

Can the Tree of Life be transplanted?

Thuja emerald can only be transplanted, as long as the tree of life is still very young. For larger trees, the root system is pronounced and can not be excavated without damage.


Thuja emerald is poisonous like all trees of life. Although there is a real risk of poisoning if you eat parts of the tree, the sap may cause allergic reactions to the naked skin.