At which distance should you plant thuja?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
На каком расстоянии сажать Тую смарагд/At what distance to plant Thuja smaragd
Video: На каком расстоянии сажать Тую смарагд/At what distance to plant Thuja smaragd


The ideal distance depends on the variety

At which distance should you plant thuja?

Thuja is planted either as a hedge or as a solitaire in the garden. In view-proof hedges, the planting distance is kept smaller than in nursing as a single tree. At which distance should you plant a tree of life?

What distance when planting Thuja?

The correct planting distance of the Thuja ensures that the hedge grows fast and is opaque. Even when planted as a solitary the distance should not be too dense.

How far apart the individual thuja trees should be planted depends on which variety you plant and how quickly the hedges should become dense. Which distance is to be kept:

How far apart in the hedge?

In order to get an opaque hedge from the tree of life as quickly as possible, maintain a planting distance of 40 to 60 cm. You need 2 to 3 plants per running hedge meter.

This does not apply to all varieties. Explore with your gardener which planting distance is ideal for the variety of your choice.

Plant Thuja as a solitary plant

If you plant a thuja as a solitaire, a planting distance of about one meter to other plants is sufficient.

Maintain sufficient distance to neighboring properties

The distance to the neighboring property is regulated by the municipalities. It is usually the same length as the height of the hedge or tree.

Planting distance to supply lines

The tree of life is a Flachwurzler. The roots are not very strong, but widely branched. It is unlikely that they will damage supply lines in the earth over time.

How to Plant Thuja How Far from the Road?

Thuja does not tolerate road salt. The tree of life responds with brown needles and spikes. Therefore, keep the thuja so far away from roads and roads that road salt can not get near.

The root system branches strongly under the earth. It can therefore not be ruled out that patio tiles, paving slabs and road surfaces will be lifted after a long time. Since a hedge from Thuja remains at the site for a very long time, you should keep a sufficient distance for safety's sake.

Walls are usually not in danger of being damaged by the roots of the Thuja.

Some varieties need more distance from each other

This is especially true for the extremely popular Thuja emerald. It is often planted as a hedge, although it does not grow well when it is too dense.

Thuja emerald should be planted in the hedge with a planting distance of at least 60, better still 80 cm. Only then can this Tree of Life variety thrive.

If the planting distance is too low, the roots are not sufficiently supplied with nutrients and moisture.


The location for Thuja should be as sunny as possible, at least partially shaded. In the shade, the tree of life does not thrive well. Also, Thuja likes it a bit sheltered from the wind.