Planting Thuja - A little guide

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
All you need to know about Thuja occidentalis Arborvitae
Video: All you need to know about Thuja occidentalis Arborvitae


Thuja thrives best in a sunny spot

Planting Thuja - A little guide

Planting Thuja as a hedge was considered obsolete for a long time. Only in recent years is a renaissance of this robust hedge plant to be observed. Tree of life hedges are resilient and easy to care for. How to plant a thuja hedge properly. An instruction:

Which location is suitable for Thuja?

Sunny to partially shaded locations are ideal. In shadow, the tree of life grows only very bad. At first he does not tolerate too much wind too well.

Choose the location carefully. Once the Thuja hedge has grown, it is very difficult to remove it. Transplanting is easily possible only in very young trees.

If you are not sure whether the location is really cheap, plant the Thuja first in bucket. You can move these later as needed.

How should the substrate be?

The soil should be neither too sandy nor too acidic. Slightly humic, improved with peat and compost, the substrate is optimal.

When is the best planting time?

The best planting season for the tree of life is in the spring of March and April. Even in late summer, you can still put Thuja well from August to September. Later you should not plant the tree anymore, because the roots do not have enough time to develop.

Which planting distance must be observed?

As planting distance a distance of approx. 40 to 45 cm is recommended. With this distance you can reach a dense hedge relatively quickly. So you need two to three trees of life per meter hedge.

If the Thuja seedlings are planted denser, they can not develop properly. The gaps close very quickly, so you will soon get a dense hedge.

How do you prepare the planting site?

Loosen the soil deeply and remove thickening and stones. Mix ripe compost and / or horn shavings under the potting soil. Then you save yourself frequent fertilization later.

Pick up a planting ditch that is about twice as wide and deep as the root ball of the Thuja. In general, the planting holes must be about 40 to 50 cm deep.

What should be considered when creating a hedge?

Take the hedge course well before. Only then can you calculate how many plants you will need.

How do you properly plant Thuja?

First you have to water the root ball well. Immerse them in buckets of water until no more air bubbles rise. Loosen the root ball slightly. If necessary, first remove the cover with which the plant was delivered.

Place the tree of life in the planting trench so that it stands as straight as possible. Fill up the soil and gently step on it. Then you have to water the tree well, even if the soil is still wet from the rain.

In windy conditions you should create a windbreak for the beginning. It is favorable, if you spread a Mulchdecke from bark mulch under the Thuja hedge. Garden waste such as leaves, grass clippings or straw are also suitable as mulch material. The blanket prevents the soil from drying out and supplies the plants with nutrients.

What should be considered after planting?

Especially in the first time, the soil must never dry out completely. This would dry up the roots and enter the Tree of Life. Therefore, pour regularly, but make sure that no waterlogging occurs.

Can Thuja be transplanted later?

The transplanting of thuja is very time-consuming, because the root system is pronounced and often can only be retrieved with heavy equipment from the ground.

When does the tree of life bloom?

The flowering period is from April to May. The flowers are rather inconspicuous.

When do the fruits ripen?

The fruits are ripe in September / October. Caution: They are particularly poisonous and should not get into the hands of children.

How is the tree of life increased?

Theoretically, thuja can be propagated from seeds. Easier and faster the propagation works over cuttings. For this purpose, so-called Risslinge be used, small side shoots, which tear you from the main branch. They are rooted faster than cut cuttings.

Prepare seed pots. Remove the lower leaves and put the cracklings in the ground. Moisten it well, without the substrate getting too wet.

A hood prevents the cuttings from drying out later. Rooting usually takes four to six weeks.

How hardy is Thuja?

The tree of life is completely hardy. There are varieties that can tolerate up to minus 25 degrees and more. Winter protection is therefore not required. You only have to water a thuja hedge if it is very dry in winter. It is cast on frost-free days.


Thuja prefers rainwater. If possible, you should collect the water and pour it in dry times. Therefore, do not plant Thuja under trees that keep out the rainwater.