Cutting thuja into shape - tips and tricks

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Morpankhi (Thuja)cutting / मोरपंखी की छटईया कैसे होती हैं ।
Video: Morpankhi (Thuja)cutting / मोरपंखी की छटईया कैसे होती हैं ।


Thujen are often cut spherical

Cutting thuja into shape - tips and tricks

Thuja is not just a popular hedge plant. Also as a single tree in the garden or as a planting for a bucket of the tree of life provides real highlights in the garden. Since Thuja is very cut tolerant, you can cut it beautifully in shape.

Cut thuja into shape

Thuja can be cut into almost any desired shape. You only need good tools, a sense of proportion and a little manual skill. Particularly popular forms of Thuja are:

If you have little experience with the shaping of woody plants, it is better to have the basic cut done by a gardener. Then you only need to cut it later.

Pase templates are made of cardboard or wire. You can also purchase them in the garden shop.

When will the tree of life be cut into shape?

While you only have to cut thuja in the hedge once or twice a year, depending on your age, the shape cut is more frequent. It has proved useful to carry out the first cut in April, the second cut in late June and a third cut in late August.

Cut the tree of life on a cloudy, but rain-free day. The sap leaves when cutting colors the needles brown. If moisture penetrates into the interfaces, fungal spores can set in, triggering the dreaded instinctual dying.

Use clean tool!

Use only sharp, clean tools. If the shoots break while cutting, they provide access to mushrooms. With unclean tools you can transmit diseases and pests.

Cut thuja as a high stem

Thuja as a high stem is occasionally found in gardens. It has to be said that the tree of life is not the ideal tree for high stems. He looks very ugly from below when he turns brown inside.

If you still want to cut a high stem, just remove the lower branches directly on the stem. Thuja does not drive there again.

Thuja in cone shape

Thuja as a cone is a popular cutting form. Start at the top. Tie in a rope that reaches down to the ground and complain with a piece of wood. You can then run the rope down around the tree and cut along the band. So the cone shape is beautifully even.

Tree of life as a ball

For a tree of life in spherical form you need a stencil of wire or paper, which you push over the crown.

Cut thuja in a spiral shape

It starts with cutting the tree of life as a cone. Make a template of wire and place it over the tree of life. How big the distances of the spiral should be is a matter of taste. When finished, make a point or cut a small ball.


Thuja is poisonous! The escaping plant juice can cause skin irritation in sensitive people. Always cut with gloves and long-sleeved clothing.