Connecting pond liner - you must pay attention

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
HOW TO Seam A Pond Liner- EPDM Liner Seaming
Video: HOW TO Seam A Pond Liner- EPDM Liner Seaming


Depending on the material, pond liner can be welded or glued

Connecting pond liner - you must pay attention

If you buy pond liner, it is usually brought by the manufacturer already on the finished measure - so you do not have to stick single lanes more. Exceptions may be, if you want to create streams with slides, or if at individual points tracks must be put together. What to look for, read here.

Adhesive and welded joints

Film webs can be glued or welded together. When a pond liner is "assembled" by the manufacturer, individual webs are also used there.

They are then cut to length during the manufacturing process and welded together with automatic methods during operation and close together. This requires large machines and special techniques - you can not do it that way home at the edge of the pond.

In most cases, gluing will be the method of choice - but you can also weld individual film types yourself.

First determine which type of film you have in front of you:

Connect PVC films

Here you have the choice between special PVC adhesives and the use of solvent welding agents. Welding agents liquefy the film at the weld seam and during weighing, these liquid parts run into each other and harden in this way. This creates a permanently solid connection.

When gluing the two overlaps (at least 15 cm!) Just connected firmly. Then you have to seal the seams extra.


Connect PE films

You can not use swelling agent here - it just sticks. Be aware, however, that the adhesion of most adhesives to PE films is significantly limited, and therefore work more carefully.

Connect EPDM film

Here, special adhesives are used, for which you also roughen and must first let the adhesive. Alternatively, there are also special adhesive tapes instead of liquid glue.

The film must be particularly clean and also completely dry. To seal the seam, you can easily liquid pond liner you can cut across the seam in several thin layers. Do not forget to complain here.


In streams, the sealing of the substrate using pond liner is the least expensive but also the worst option. If possible, use casseroles or concretes the stream.