Succulents multiply by offshoots - this is how it is with children and cuttings

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: HOW TO FIX ELONGATED SUCCULENTS ( Secrets to Fast Propagation)ASMR


Some succulents regularly make Kindel

Succulents multiply by offshoots - this is how it is with children and cuttings

With succulents, unique plant compositions can be staged in pots and bowls. To ensure that a rich supply of plants is always available for the realization of new ideas, clever home gardeners use kindling and cuttings for propagation free of charge. Find out how offshoots turn into young succulents in no time.

Kindel - floral steep template for the offspring

Succulents are among the plants that produce particularly diligent offshoots in the form of children. These are side shoots that grow up at the base of a mother plant as their exact replica in miniature format. The joy is great in the hobby gardener when he discovers Kindel. The fully trained descendants only need to be nursed a little more. This is how you proceed professionally:

Fill a pot with succulent soil, which is moistened with soft water. In it you plant the shoot upright. Big kids are supported with a wooden stick so they do not tip over. Place the pot in a partially shaded, warm window seat. Until an offshoot is fully rooted, please pour a little. As a result, the normal care program for adult succulents begins.

Cuttings turn into beautiful succulents

Succulents have a strong vigor, so even a single leaf forms a new plant. Numerous, popular succulent houseplants carry a lush foliage dress, from which you can win several offshoots. Money trees are just as much a part of it as are various pear family plants, Opuntia or the lucky pen. How to grow a new succulent plant from leaf cuttings:

Baby succulents thrive on the exposed tissue within a short time. Sprinkle the substrate with soft water when it has dried well. From a stature height of at least 2 to 3 cm, the plantlets are mature enough to be separated from the offshoot. Carefully planted in a pot, cultivate the mini succulents as their mother plant.


Rosette offshoots or aloe vera nests should not be in direct contact with moist soil because they can cause rot on the leaves. By sprinkling the substrate with a thin layer of pebbles or quartz sand after planting, effectively prevent fatal damage.