Shrubs cut in autumn - tips and tricks

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips for Planting in the Fall // Garden Answer
Video: Tips for Planting in the Fall // Garden Answer


Raspberry bushes are cut in autumn

Shrubs cut in autumn - tips and tricks

One can argue about the best time to pruning shrubs, but often this is a matter of consideration or a mere time issue. Some shrubs also tolerate two cuts a year, in spring and autumn.

What are the benefits of pruning in autumn?

Cut down evergreen shrubs back in the fall and reduce the risk of branches or branches breaking under heavy snowfall. If the branches of large bushes hang over a path, so that you brush them when walking, then this is certainly no pleasure in wet weather. Pruning these shrubs in time will save you some involuntary shower.

Which shrubs should be cut back in autumn?

Cut back your berry bushes in autumn, such as currant and gooseberries, but also blackberries and summer raspberries. This will prevent any existing mites from hibernating on the shrubs and re-spreading and replicating next spring. In contrast, autumn raspberries are only cut in winter.

Hedgerows are usually pruned in the fall, often again in the spring. The cutback is legally permitted only from 1 October and before 1 March. In summer a radical cut is forbidden for the protection of breeding birds. Then you may only make slight forms and care cuts.

Shrubs to be cut in autumn:

Will all hydrangeas be cut in the fall?

Similar names suggest similar care, but you should not trim all hydrangeas in the fall. Varieties that expel the new buds in autumn, should now not be cut back. This category includes most species, such as the peasant, climbing, giant leaf and plate hydrangea.

Few species such as the forest or snowball hydrangea and the panicle hydrangea are an exception. At these shrubs, the new flower buds form only in the spring. Therefore, you may choose to be circumcised in autumn or early spring.


Cut evergreen shrubs best in late autumn, then fewer shoots break down in winter due to their snow load.