Plant shrubs in autumn - tips and tricks

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips for Planting in the Fall // Garden Answer
Video: Tips for Planting in the Fall // Garden Answer


Autumn is the ideal planting time for shrubs

Plant shrubs in autumn - tips and tricks

About the best time to plant shrubs, there are quite different opinions among many garden owners and hobby gardeners. By contrast, professionals recommend and practice planting in the fall. This practice actually has some advantages over spring planting.

The benefits of an autumn planting

Shrubs that are already planted in autumn are already well rooted in spring, because the fine roots, which are so important for the supply of shrubs, grow even in winter as long as the soil is not frozen.

When it gets warm in the spring, the shrubs planted in the fall can put all their strength into growing and expelling. The necessary moisture they pull themselves from the ground while bushes planted in the spring would now have to be abundantly poured.

Which shrubs should I plant in autumn?

Especially recommended is the planting in autumn with rootless shrubs. These usually make the gardening companies less work than container plants and hardly need space. Therefore, they are often offered very cheap.

Make sure that the roots are fresh when you buy them and do not dry out and bring the shrubs back to earth as soon as possible. If storage is essential, keep the roots moist with at least a damp cloth.

Is planting useful in spring?

Many garden plants, including shrubs, are offered in garden centers, garden centers and DIY stores as so-called container plants in pots and / or tubs. Thus, the root ball is well protected and the plants are supplied with sufficient nutrients during transport and transplanting.

Shrubs traded with root ball can be planted practically every season, as long as the ground is not frozen. A planting in the spring is recommended, for example, in a redesign of the garden, if you do not want to wait until next autumn.

The essentials in brief:


Above all bare root shrubs you should plant in the fall. You will certainly enjoy it much more next year and also less work.