Common pests on corkscrews - Tips for symptoms and control

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
PPP April 2020 | Pest and Plant Disease Issues in NC
Video: PPP April 2020 | Pest and Plant Disease Issues in NC


The willow leaf beetle likes to feed the corkscrew grazing

Common pests on corkscrews - Tips for symptoms and control

In addition to the usual suspects among the woody pests, 2 species of insects have specialized in pastures. Find out here, which pests are, how to recognize and fight them.

Willow drill - Moth with gluttonous brood

Throughout Europe, the willow borer is primarily targeting pastures in order to lay its eggs under the bark in June and July. The pests are recognizable as gray-brown moths with a wingspan of 6-10 cm. The reddish caterpillars become up to 7 cm long and drill themselves through the wood. From the oval feedings droppings and the red-colored Genagsel fall out. For up to 4 years, the caterpillars drive their orgies, which does not survive even the robust corkscrew willow. The butterflies themselves do not eat.

Effective control agents are not yet available. In early infestation, the moths and caterpillars should be collected. Since the larvae penetrate deep into the heartwood, it requires a large portion of luck to catch all pests. In order to prevent the further propagation in the garden, in the worst case you do not get around the complete distance.

Willow leaf beetle eats the bushes bald

They are tiny at 6-9 mm and still have a great appetite for the leaves of a corkscrew grazing. Willow leaf beetles are easily identified by their 20 black spots on the yellow-white wing-covers. Where they occur in mass, there is the highest mortal danger for young pastures, because the woody plants do not recover from a bald feeding even at the ideal location. For the fight proceed as follows:

For use in the home garden, various products are available to kill the willow leaf beetles. Its proven products include pest-free calypso from Bayer Garten and Naturen Bio Schädlingsfrei with rapeseed oil.


If aphids are in the mood to fall over the shapely leaves of your corkscrew willow, you can save yourself the grip of a chemical insecticide. In practice, the greasy soap solution has proven itself as a biological control agent. For 1 liter of water add 1 tablespoon of pure lube or curd soap with 1 dash of alcohol. Every 2 days sprayed on the leaves, the plague comes to an end quickly.