Cranesbill - Suitable species for shady gardens

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best Garden Perennials - Geranium ’Rozanne’ (Cranesbill)
Video: Best Garden Perennials - Geranium ’Rozanne’ (Cranesbill)


The brown cranesbill also thrives in the shade

Cranesbill - Suitable species for shady gardens

The Cranesbill is an extremely versatile perennial. For almost every location, there is the pase Geranium species and variety, from the full sun in the discounts to full shade under trees and other trees. But beware: do not confuse the cranesbill (in technical language called "geranium") with the so-called geraniums - these are actually sun-loving pelargoniums.

Rich flowering even in full shade

Most cranesbill thrive excellently even in partially shaded locations - full sun is only in demand for a few species. Particularly suitable for this are the geranium endressii, the Pyrenees Cranesbill, as well as the Rock Cranesbill (Geranium macrorrhizum), also called Balkan Cranesbill, both of which are very suitable for ground cover due to their vigor.

Beautiful Cranesbill species for the shadow

But even for very shady locations, there is a whole range of very shadow-tolerant, yet thriving and vigorous stork beaks. Particularly robust and adaptable is the Knottige Bergwald Cranesbill, which basically feels very well almost everywhere. The very shadow-compatible species is ideal for problematic locations, such as under dense woody plants. It sows itself and even forms a sheet carpet under gloomy conifers. Also, the brown Cranesbill is well suited for planting groups of trees due to its good shadow tolerance.


When planting, make sure that vigorous species such as the Rock Cranesbill quickly displace or overgrow other plants. Plan as much space as possible for such a stork beak.