Pulling pansies themselves is not difficult

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Madagascar 2 : Air Penguin (Crash Landing Scene)
Video: Madagascar 2 : Air Penguin (Crash Landing Scene)


If the pansies are sown until June, the viola show first flowers in the fall

Pulling pansies themselves is not difficult

An experienced gardener prefers his pansies themselves. The effort is not great, the result is all the more remarkable: the self-bred pansies are more robust than the purchased plants. In addition, they bloom longer and luscious.

Already in the summer of the previous year you can sow the pansies, so that next spring the cheerful-colorful flowers decorate the garden and the balcony. Whoever sows until the end of June, can count on the flowers already in autumn. If you bring the seeds into the soil in August / September, the plants get their flowers in the spring of the following year. The pansies for the summer bloom can also be preferred in the house in winter.

Seed and location

Since most pansy varieties F1 are hybrids, the purchased plants are hardly suitable for semen production. In the trade, however, such a large variety of garden pansies and horn violets is offered that the decision for a particular color is not easy:

For sowing, the location should not be too sunny. The soil is a nutrient-rich garden soil. The germination period is about two weeks.


When sowing, it should be noted that the pansies are dark germs. A shady place is optimal. Cover the seeds lightly with soil and keep the soil evenly moist. After about 4 to 6 weeks after sowing, the seedlings can be separated. If the plants are about 5 cm tall, they can be transplanted to their final location in the garden.

Tips & Tricks

With staggered multiple sowing you can make sure that the pansies bloom continuously in your garden or on the balcony from April to October.