Boletus turns blue - Can you still eat it?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Blue-staining boletes (4 species)
Video: Blue-staining boletes (4 species)


If the fungus turns blue when pressed, it is not a boletus

Boletus turns blue - Can you still eat it?

There is a lot of excitement on the walk through the forest: on a spruce-covered, mossy glade there are numerous porcini mushrooms. When truncated, however, the joy becomes cloudy because the interfaces turn blue. Is it a poisonous doppelganger?

Porcini do not change color

In fact, porcini do not discolor both when cutting and when printing on the whitish to yellowish-green tubes. If, on the other hand, tubes and interfaces turn blue immediately upon contact, they are most likely also of the edible and very similar to porcini mushroom. The blue color reaction comes from the conversion of yellow dyes into blue by the action of atmospheric oxygen. The same reaction can also be found in the Flockenstieligen Hexen-Röhrling and the Rotfuß-Röhrling, which are also edible.

Boletus badius

In deciduous forests, especially in coniferous forests under spruce, the chestnut pipe is common. He is often accompanied by wild blueberries. In contrast to the finely wetted stem of the porcini mushroom, that of the chestnut pipe has a brownish longitudinal fiber. But beware: this mushroom stores toxic heavy metals in its brown hat skin like radioactive cesium. Especially in southern Germany you should therefore not eat the mushroom too often.

Flake stalker witch's pipe

By its name and the typical red-colored tubes this fungus signals a toxicity, which he does not have. Instead, it is an excellent edible mushroom, which is in some ways even superior to porcini mushroom: the flake-stemmed witch's pipe is rarely attacked by maggots.Similar to the cep, it prefers beech and spruce, but grows almost exclusively on barren, sandy soil. Moose and blueberry herb are reliable indicators of such soil conditions.

Rotfuß Boletus

The Rotfuß Röhrling is a tasty mushroom, which is to be found in many deciduous forests into the late autumn in masses. However, you should only take young specimens, as the older ones are often attacked by the poisonous gold mold. The infestation can be recognized by the fact that the yellow tubes or hat are covered with a velvety, whitish to yellow mold layer.

Likelihood of confusion with the gallbladder

Also very similar to the boletus is the Gallen-Röhrling, which is not poisonous, but very bitter. The cep has a whitish net especially at the top of the stem, the bile-pipe is a brown one. If in doubt, you can carefully cut the fungus found with the knife and lick it with your tongue: The non-toxic Gallen Röhrling lives up to its name - it tastes gallebitter!


When collecting mushrooms, remember that you are only allowed to take small amounts from the forest for your own use.