Let's start: Sow the weed yourself!

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Let's start: Sow the weed yourself! - Garden
Let's start: Sow the weed yourself! - Garden


The seeds for white cabbage can also be collected after flowering

Let's start: Sow the weed yourself!

A pretty gap filler, that's it, the weed. It blooms all summer, if you let it and regularly cuts off its old flowers. By sowing you can easily and quickly multiply!

Home from March, outdoors from April

Starting in March, you can target sowing. Then the seeds can be preferred to your home. Before mid-May, the young plants should not be planted out. If you shy away from the pre-culture, you can alternatively start direct sowing outdoors in April.

Buy the seeds or harvest them yourself

Let's be honest: anyone can buy the celandine seeds. It is much more fun to harvest the seeds of your own existing plants. The prerequisite is that you harvest the seeds in late summer or autumn. They are very fine, small and round-flat. You can also cut off the seeds and take the seeds home.

Attack the sowing

Fill small pots or a bowl with seed soil. You should plan several seeds per pot. That is how it goes:

Germination takes place as early as 15 ° C (ideal is 18 to 20 ° C). You are also welcome to place the seed pots on the balcony or terrace, provided that it is frost-free there. Caution: Remember to check daily if the substrate is wet.

After 7 to 10 days the seeds germinate. With good care, the young plants can be pikiert later. But not too much of a good thing! If several plants stand together in one place, denser clumps form.

Plant out in a sunny spot

In preculture, the stone plants are planted after the icy saints in a sunny spot. In case of need also partially shady locations are suitable. It is important that the soil is permeable and humus.


Alyssum often hilarious by itself (Selbstaussaat). You do not have to do anything except cut off all withered flowers so the seeds can form.