Plan a rock garden - you should pay attention

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Shinedown - DEVIL (Official Video)
Video: Shinedown - DEVIL (Official Video)


The better the planning the more satisfactory the result

Plan a rock garden - you should pay attention

If you want to create a rock garden and successfully maintain it, you can not just "get started" - instead an intensive planning phase is necessary in advance.It is not just about selecting a suitable location and the most beautiful stones, but also about the concrete design and planting of the mini-mountain.

Which location is suitable?

Ideal conditions for stone plants of course offer gardens with a corresponding slope. Of course, such a slope can also be created artificially or in dry locations, the establishment of a rock garden is possible even on flat terrain - but then there must be no rainwater o. Ä. Damage, the soil must be permeable. Otherwise, a location in sunny southeast, south or southwest location is perfect for most rock garden plants, as long as they can be shaded over the noon hours. But even for shady or partially shaded locations, there is a large selection of suitable rock garden plants. Basically, the rule is to work as little as possible against nature, because the less the existing site meets the necessary living conditions, the more work you have both in the construction and in the subsequent care of your rock garden.

What should the rock garden look like?

There are countless ways to design a rock garden. From a slope overgrown with upholstery over the small, planted with perennials corner in the garden to the elaborately designed Alpinarium rockeries can take on very different forms. Experts basically distinguish between these forms:

Before the construction, it is important to clarify how large the planned rock garden should be, which elements (eg a seating group or similar) it contains and how large the expected expenditure regarding construction and costs should be.

Should also be built a stream and / or a pond?

For many garden lovers in a rock garden is necessarily a stream, a gully and / or a garden pond. The combination of water and stone complements and looks very varied due to the various design options. Of course, this project must be planned intensively, so that the water fits perfectly into the rock garden.


You should also carry out the specific selection of plants in the planning phase. After all, not only the construction of the rock garden is directed (after all, different species have different location and care needs), but above all the selection of rocks. Lime-loving plants need a substrate made of limestone, which in turn can be a death-trap for lime-returning plants.