Plant the saxifrage in the garden properly

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: Saxifraga


Steinbrech is wonderful for the rock garden

Plant the saxifrage in the garden properly

The Saxifraga (Saxifraga) occurs in different countries and climates with a total of more than 450 subspecies.This makes general statements about the site and care requirements difficult, since the different types of saxifrages sometimes have very different preferences.

The best place for the saxifrage in the garden Next article The right care for the saxifrage

Sowing saxifrage or planting in preference?

Fresh sprouted saxifrage initially grows only very slowly and can therefore easily be overgrown and displaced by other plants. Therefore, when gardening directly in the garden, it may be difficult to distinguish the young plantlets from food and light competitors in the "weed" category. Also, when putting them in pots and bowls, you should note that the seeds of the saxifrage before germination usually require a pronounced cold phase.

Which location does the saxifrage prefer?

The question of the correct location must be answered when Steinbrech broken down to the respective subspecies. Generally, there are the following, coarse subdivisions:

The upholstery saxifrage is well suited for full sun locations such as rock gardens and dry stone walls. In contrast, the subspecies of the Moossteinbrechs prefer locations with partial shading, humusier soil and more pronounced soil moisture.

When is the best time to transplant Saxifraga species?

If necessary, quarry plants can still be transplanted in the fall, if this does not happen too close to winter. The better time for repotting and transplanting is in the spring, when no strong night frosts are expected.

How can the saxophone be propagated?

Bleached areas in the saxifrage cushions can be replenished by laterally cut cuttings. These usually roost relatively quickly and easily. Since most Saxifraga species can spread under suitable conditions, propagation by division is very popular. When growing from seeds, it should be noted that the seeds are cold germs, which should not be covered too thick with soil.

When does the saxifrage bloom?

Many saxifrages bloom from May to June or July. An exception is the representative of autumn saxifrage, which is named after its heyday in October and November.

Which substrate does the saxifrage prefer?

Sun-loving and dryness-complying species of uplifted saxifrage should be cultivated on a permeable substrate with the highest possible proportion of sand and gravel. Moossteinbrech, on the other hand, grows better if it is protected from dehydration by humusous soil and a mulch layer.


In saxifrage, it can sometimes happen that its short roots lose contact with the soil due to cushion growth or underwashing. Therefore, check "suspicious" arched specimens for contact with the soil to prevent plant damage.