The spit palm as a houseplant: Carefully poisonous!

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
PINK-EDGED PLANTS, RUFFLED PETIOLES, & More Plant Ponderings with TOM CROAT — Ep. 265
Video: PINK-EDGED PLANTS, RUFFLED PETIOLES, & More Plant Ponderings with TOM CROAT — Ep. 265


The sap of the spit-tree is poisonous

The spit palm as a houseplant: Carefully poisonous!

Specifically, the spit palm (Euphorbia leuconeura) is not a palm species, but rather an Euphorbia species that can hurl its seeds, much like the Indian balsam, in its name. As a houseplant, a spit-tree is quite decorative, but also not completely harmless.

Beware of the white milk juice

The poisonous latex of the spit palm appears clearly visible on injuries of the leaves or stems and contains among other things the following ingredients:

The euphorbia juice is not only gifitg, but may even be carcinogenic due to the tumor promoters it contains.

Precautions without panic

The toxicity of Milchsafts should not speak against a culture of the wolf milk plants on the windowsill. With proper handling and adequate ventilation, these plants pose no greater threat than many other poisonous indoor and garden plants. However, you should choose the location very consciously or be very attentive, if in a room regularly also children or free-roaming pets reside.


The mere touch of a spit palm usually causes no complaints, but protective gloves should be worn as a precautionary measure in all care measures on the spit palm.