Cabbage store - a few days are allowed

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Wheat Prices Continue to Climb | Food Shortage fears rise | It’s Time To Grow Your Own Food!


Pointed cabbage will wither quickly

Cabbage store - a few days are allowed

Pointed cabbage is one of the tenderest types of cabbage. In the garden, the small and conical-looking cabbages can be harvested earlier than other types of cabbage. Freshly processed, it offers the best taste and a crisp bite. But even after a short storage, it is good.

Do not store, rather prepare fresh

Prepare the cabbage best just after harvest or after shopping, this cabbage is not made for long storage.

Make sure when shopping that all leaves are still green and plump. In the garden, pointed cabbage is best harvested continuously, even before the heads have reached their typical final weight of 1.5 kilograms. In this way, the fresh season is extended in time. On the other hand, a large crop makes less sense because of the poor storability of pointed cabbage.

Only store pointed cabbage temporarily

If fresh pointed cabbage can not be consumed immediately, short-term storage under optimal conditions is possible. The cabbage should still be fresh and the head should be closed. Bursted cabbages are not suitable for storage.

Store cabbage in the refrigerator

In the fridge it is dark and cool, so ideal for the storage of pointed cabbage.

    Remove withered or damaged leaves. Wrap the cabbage in a damp kitchen towel. Put the cabbage in the vegetable compartment. If the compartment is too small, the cabbage may also be placed elsewhere. Consume the cabbage within a week.


Whole two weeks, the cabbage should keep in the refrigerator when it is wrapped in newspaper. This is at least a recommendation from grandma's time.

Keep cabbage in the room

In a cool and dark room you can also store pointed cabbage. It can be hung in nets or placed on shelves. Previously, all leaves that are not in perfect condition should be cut off with a knife close to the stunk.

Do not put next to apples

When pointed cabbage and apples are stored close to each other, this does not work well for the pointed cabbage. Apples exude ripening gases that accelerate its wilting process.