Build your own greenhouse ensures self-sufficiency

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 Tips To Create A Sustainable & Self Sufficient Vegetable Garden
Video: 9 Tips To Create A Sustainable & Self Sufficient Vegetable Garden


A foil greenhouse is the cheapest

Build your own greenhouse ensures self-sufficiency

A good decision if you want to build your own greenhouse and make it as functional as possible. You will thus lay the foundations for the healthy diet of your family and will have a lot of fun in successfully raising the fruit and vegetables alone.

Gardening under glass, ideal for real organic food

The trend to raise fruits, vegetables and herbs for their own care is constantly growing. That makes regardless of the industrially produced foodSaves money and going to the health food store and you enjoy the feeling of doing something good for your family and yourself. Those who want to harvest especially early and abundant, grow their cultures under glass or foil and sooner or later comes up with the idea that you could build a greenhouse yourself. The plants thrive better than under the often very unfavorable climatic conditions in our latitudes and it is a pleasure to be able to watch them almost as they grow under glass.

The right location for your own greenhouse

The optimum place is exactly where as much direct sunlight as possible is guaranteed - all year round. The self-built greenhouse should be as possible Do not near larger trees, houses or other shade throwing objects be set up. In addition, it is favorable if there is a water and an electrical connection nearby and the new structure is protected from the wind but, since rain water is to be kept as far away as possible, is not placed directly below a slope.

Build your own greenhouse - which material is the best?

Whether wood, aluminum or plastic for the load-bearing elements, so the frame, are installed, is first of all a question of the financial budget and, whether the entire greenhouse itself or a prefabricated kit bought and screwed together only on site. The latter variant is particularly suitable for laymen, since the assembly is usually quite simple based on the enclosed instructions. However, you will not be able to avoid the creation of a stable foundation, regardless of the form in which you want to build your own greenhouse. Let's take a look at the three most common model variants in fast forward.

Wood - the classic

Since the moisture load from outside (rainwater) and inside (humidity) during certain weather periods but can be quite considerable, it is recommended high quality woodFor example, larch or cedar. A little cheaper is the own greenhouse construction with spruce or pine wood. In general, it is recommended to thoroughly impregnate all wooden portals before installation, which can significantly increase the service life.

For Leichtbauer - greenhouse with aluminum frame

This variant is not only easy on the material, but also in the assembly. However, aluminum does not have good insulation properties and lets heat and cold into the interior quickly. On the other hand, extreme temperatures as well as moisture do not harm the material itself. Aluminum greenhouses are extremely robust over many years and require virtually no care.

Plastic greenhouses - the robust ones

They look classy with their plastic frame made of polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride and this material also insulates perfectly. The greenhouse windows are usually made of colored plastic, which is a easy assembly in the self-installation allows. Another advantage is the longevity, because even after several years hardly any signs of wear can be observed. If you build your own greenhouse and use plastic for it, the purchase price may be a bit higher, but you do not need to do much to maintain it.

The surface material - the most important part of the greenhouse

Of course, because especially during year-round use it needs optimal insulation, both against too high and too low outside temperatures and all moving components must also be tightly closing. Light and UV rays should be able to penetrate well into the interior of the house, which allows a dense and lush growth of the plants. Special coatings help that formed Evaporates condensation evenly and punctual drops are prevented. But since you want to build your own greenhouse, the material must also be as easy as possible to work with, which could be a problem for the classic, the blank glass.

Use glass at the plant house?

Who builds everything himself, gets quite fast when cutting glass as untrained layman to its limits. In addition, is glass, you do not take just old demolition windows at the greenhouse building, which were worried cheap, pretty expensive in the trade, An example of the costs that we have researched for you at an online retailer:

ESG safety glass clear with polished edge:

Optionally, the material can be pre-drilled for later attachment. The prices for this:

Certainly, in a binding order would also be a quantity discount negotiable, which would have to be deducted from the above prices. To be added to the total price still transport costs, which are rarely less than 50.00 €.

Plastic sheets - translucent and impact resistant

In practice, cellular polycarbonate sheets have prevailed. you reach good values ​​in the transmission of UV rays, are very easy to cut, but have the unpleasant property that they begin to turn yellow after ten years. Acrylic glass, on the other hand, remains color-stable for 30 years, but can splinter more easily when cut. The last option left were the PVC sheets, which are also robust, but also inexpensive if you build your own greenhouse. Small disadvantage: The light transmission is not quite as high as in the other two materials.

Foil as the cheapest alternative

Greenhouse films are made of polyethylene and are produced in multiple layers. This gives them a certain tear resistance, yet they are less stable than glass or plastic sheets. Special heat foils with air cushioning can still last for several years. Many allotment gardeners, who build themselves a greenhouse, appreciate the easy and fast processing of films, they use especially for smaller houses and there usually not all year round, but only for the rearing of their seedlings and young plants at the beginning of the garden year.

Foundation frame made of metal vs. concrete plinth

Many prefabricated kits contain a more or less stable metal frame that can be driven directly into the ground with four anchors. That may be enough for small houses that are used only a few weeks in the spring. If you build a greenhouse yourself, which is supposed to be in operation all year round and has a size of more than 10 m2, then you are one solid concrete foundation on the safer side, In addition to a not insignificant increase in the stability, the later energy consumption is considerably reduced with a high-quality foundation. Also note that most insurance companies only settle claims when it is a solid outbuilding that stands on a solid foundation and is firmly anchored to it.

The thing with the building permit

An ongoing theme that has probably occupied generations of recreational gardeners who want to build their own greenhouse. For commercially available kits, which are not used commercially, is due to most state building regulations no planning permission necessaryas long as they have neither a lounge nor a fireplace. Unlike the ridge heights, the display from a certain value, but not could be subject to authorization, In addition, it is possible that the municipal building use ordinance stipulates marginal distances both within and outside of land, for example, that of the neighbors, so that before the establishment of the greenhouse an informal visit to the community can certainly make sense.

Inside raised bed or rather ground-level cultivation?

To answer this question, one must first be clear about which plants are to be later settled in the finished greenhouse. Of course, you should regularly, even on one-sided soils used intensively with compost, nutrients and ideally by rotting cattle or horse manureWhat can be physically exhausting at ground level cultivation. In short, some benefits of raised beds:

Ground-level planting needs a foundation!

While raised beds naturally do not place such high demands on a solid and solidly constructed foundation, it is already mandatory for ground-level cultivation in the interests of frost protection. In addition, in addition, if you build your own greenhouse, you have to add one more Heating to be installed with, Therefore, the foundation should have a minimum depth of 80 cm and be built as a massive strip foundation. In addition to an overall higher stability is achieved so that the entire construction is less exposed to soil moisture and thus will have a longer life.

What does it cost?

How high the financial investment will be can not even be rudimentary. There are, from the size, to the later establishment too many factors that can potentially reduce your costs but also increase them, Eight square meters of lightweight film construction as a set are already being offered in the relevant mail-order business for just over € 200.00. Equally good is a one-size-fits-all, but in a sturdy wooden construction and rustic design for over 3.000,00 Euro. However, purely from experience, it can be said that to build a greenhouse by itself is certainly more cost-effective, but at least in terms of construction and architecture, can be more individual and interesting.

Include greenhouse accessories in the costs

A Basic equipment of certain accessories should be included in the planning right from the start, especially if you build the entire greenhouse yourself and procure the required material for your own responsibility. In about the shopping list could look like this:


Building and setting up a greenhouse means you have to consider a lot of eventualities. Already during planning, it is important to make sure that everything is done in order to achieve a later one Prevent mold infestation within this microclimate, High-quality material is better suited than any cheap set from the remaining stock market next door.