The ideal location for coneflower

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
The Best Location To Find Cone Flowers The Forest 2018
Video: The Best Location To Find Cone Flowers The Forest 2018


The sun hat likes it sunny, warm and sheltered from the wind

The ideal location for coneflower

Both the Yellow Coneflower (Rudbeckia) and the Red Coneflower (Echinacea) like a warm and sunny location. Both also prefer a humus rich soil. In terms of humidity, however, they make different demands.

While the red coneflower copes well with a dry period, the yellow coneflower has great difficulties with it. He needs a rather moist soil, the Echinacea prefers a permeable. A windbreak in turn does both genera well. Plant the coneflower already in the autumn, then the plant can establish itself well before the winter and drive out faster in the spring.

The best location tips for Coneflower:

Tips & Tricks

The name comes not by chance: The sunnier you choose the location, the more luxuriant the sun hat will bloom.