Pull the mustard plant yourself

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The mustard leaves can be processed in salads

Pull the mustard plant yourself

You want to grow an easy-care, aromatic crop with beautiful flowers in the garden or on your balcony? Then you have made exactly the right choice with mustard! Below you will learn how to draw mustard yourself.

What does the mustard need to be happy?

Mustard needs only two things to germinate and grow: light and water. So if you water it regularly and it gets a little bit of sunlight, your mustard farming will definitely be a success. Since mustard belongs to the cruciferous crops, the crop rotation must be observed: Only every four years may cruciferous plants be planted in one location. In addition to mustard also includes cabbage, radish, radish, cress and others.

When is mustard planted?

Mustard can be sown year-round. If you want to harvest the seeds, sow them in May. If frost is no longer expected, you can sow it directly in the field, otherwise a pre-breeding on the windowsill is advisable.

The most important thing for the cultivation of mustard

Harvest mustard seeds

Mustard seeds can usually be harvested in October, when the pods are yellow and dry.Knock the seeds out by placing the pods in a sack and hitting them on the ground or against a wall. The mustard seeds obtained in this way can be used as a spice to make mustard or other mustard plants. Since a mustard plant gives up to 25,000 mustard seeds, you can definitely do more with it.

Make your own mustard

If you've already bothered to grow your own mustard, it's only a tiny step to making your own mustard. In addition, mustard making is just as easy as the cultivation of mustard. You only need:

Grind the mustard in a mustard mill. If you do not have one, you can use a mortar to pound it, but it will give you a less fine mustard. Mix the mustard with salt and sugar. Heat the water with the wine vinegar and let the solution cool down. Then mix everything together. Ready is your own mustard.