Grow mustard quite simply

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
This is the MOST DELICIOUS I’ve ever eaten! No yeast No oven! Everyone can make this at home!
Video: This is the MOST DELICIOUS I’ve ever eaten! No yeast No oven! Everyone can make this at home!


Mustard can be grown all year round

Grow mustard quite simply

Mustard is very popular especially in Germany. But not only because of its sharp grains but also because of the delicious leaves, beautiful yellow flowers and its function as green manure, he is increasingly planted in allotments. Learn more about how to grow mustard in your own garden.

Next article Sow mustard in your own garden

Mustard is not the same mustard

There are three types of mustard: brown, white (or yellow) and black mustard. All three belong to the cruciferous family and can be used for the production of mustard. Only the taste varies: Black mustard, also called oriental mustard, tastes the strongest; From brown and black mustard seeds sharp mustard is produced. White mustard is rather mild and is processed into medium-sharp, aromatic mustard. White mustard is not as high as black or brown mustard and is therefore better for growing on the balcony or the windowsill.

The right location for the mustard

Mustard is one of the most undemanding crops that you can plant in your garden or on the balcony. Neither in terms of location nor care is he picky. The only important thing is that you pay attention to the crop rotation: mustard is one of the cruciferous vegetables and these may only be planted in the same place every four years. So do not sow your mustard in a location where cabbages, radishes, cress, canola or radish have been in the three years before. Of course, the mustard needs light too, but it does not matter if he is in partial shade or in the sun.
Mustard also thrives in a bucket on the windowsill or on the balcony.

Sow mustard

Mustard can be sown year-round. However, if you want to harvest the seeds, you should bring your mustard seeds into the soil in early May. It is best to pull it out on the windowsill and plant the plantlets in the field after the icy saints.

Maintain mustard

Mustard needs, as I said, almost no attention. Of course you should not let it dry up: provide it regularly with water and your mustard will thrive wonderfully. He does not need fertilizer.

Harvest mustard

Not only the seeds can be harvested, also the aromatic leaves can be eaten. These can be harvested permanently, always removing only the outer leaves and leaving the plant undamaged. The mustard seeds are harvested after flowering. From June, the beautiful, bright yellow flowers usually form. Now you should stop harvesting the leaves that are dying out gradually. How to harvest the seeds correctly, read here and how to process it into green manure, read here.

The mustard in the profile

Here are the most important facts at a glance: