The right location for the black-eyed Susanne

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Blackeyed Susan - Ride With Me
Video: Blackeyed Susan - Ride With Me


The black-eyed sun likes sun and warmth and needs space for climbing

The right location for the black-eyed Susanne

The black-eyed Susanne is a child of the sun. In her native Africa it is warm and only moderately humid. You need to meet these site conditions if you want to enjoy a rich, long-lasting flowering of the edible climber.

Earlier article Black-eyed Susanne by sowing sowing Next article Maintain the black-eyed Susanne properly

The right location

If you can not find a suitable spot in the sun for the black-eyed Susanne, then a partially shaded place is enough. Anyway, it's cheaper than a location that's too cold and humid.

The most flowers are developed by the black-eyed Susanne, if she gets at least three hours of direct sun per day. A sunny south-facing balcony, a south-facing terrace or a warm garden wall are ideal locations for Schwarzäugige Susannen.

Location not too humid and not too dry

Plant the black-eyed Susanne in loose garden soil or potting soil. It is important that the pouring and rainwater can drain off.

Solid soil can be loosened up by mixing in some sand or mature compost.

However, the earth should not dry out completely. Always water when the top layer of soil is dry.

Place up

The black-eyed Susanne is a climbing plant that circles counterclockwise around everything she finds nearby.

Be sure to install a sturdy climbing aid that will help the black-eyed Susanne grow up. Only then will it reach a final height of two meters.

If necessary, help the instincts to reach the trellises. Note that they turn to the left.

Tips & Tricks

The black-eyed Susanne is not a houseplant. It needs light and air to thrive. Only in winter, the non-hardy climbing plant is overwintered in the house.