Fast-growing shrubs as a blind in the garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When Plants Take Over with Sir David Attenborough | The Green Planet |BBC Earth
Video: When Plants Take Over with Sir David Attenborough | The Green Planet |BBC Earth


The thuja is not a shrub, but a very popular screen

Fast-guard shrubs as a screen in the garden

When creating and redesigning a garden, you should be well informed in advance regarding trends and pitfalls. For example, fast-guarded shrubs can serve well as a screen, but their growth at an advanced age can also reach disagreeable proportions.

With fast-awake shrubs quickly provide a cozy garden atmosphere

Many design ideas in the garden require years of patience in order to even be able to estimate the success or failure of certain planting actions and measures. Many garden owners with changes in the garden can not go fast enough. When planting hedges as a natural screen in the garden, the height of growth achievable within a few years depends not in the least on the choice of the respective plants. So it should be on the one hand as large as possible, but still well transplantable young plants in good plant quality. On the other hand, there are also plant varieties such as the boxwood, which does not form a high hedge even after many years. So if you really want to ensure a fast privacy with sufficient height, you should also opt for appropriately fast-growing shrubs as plant material for the planned hedge.

Suitable plants for a view protection from shrubs

Very quickly awake, but generally not attributed to the bushes, for example the Thuja occidentalis, Brabant 'and the evergreen cherry laurel. However, there are a large number of shrubs that are generally not too picky in terms of location and care and still have a sometimes almost phenomenal growth rate per year with sufficient light and water:

The flowering shrubs you can also arrange by a clever combination as a sight-protection hedge that results in an attractive color sequence and an interesting chronological sequence of the different flowering times.

It is absolutely necessary to plan clearance areas generously

In contrast to the columnar waking Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald', many flowering shrubs have a rather spreading growth habit. This can quickly become a problem if the hedge of vigorous young plants has been planted too close to the fence or on the property line. Then not only problems with the neighbors are possible, but it is unnecessarily difficult to care for cutback of the hedge on the outside. You should therefore expect shrubs such as forsythia and willow trees to have a hedged width of up to 1.5 m or more, even with regular shape cutting.

Alternatives to quick-awake shrubs as privacy

If a natural screen is to provide as quickly as possible for the desired privacy in the garden, then for such a hedge not only fast-guarded bushes are suitable. For a very narrow and yet efficient privacy screen vision ideas can be realized from vines or certain bamboo species.


Quick-guard shrubs should be cut back even when they are high, if they have not yet reached the final height you require for a high level of privacy. In this way you promote early the branching of the plants and thus also their leaf mass and growth power.