From one, a whole flock of garlic will simply multiply

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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From one, a whole flock of garlic will simply multiply

The numerous beneficial attributes of garlic arouse the desire for more copies. Good to know that garlic grows wonderfully. You even have the choice of planting, planting and planting time.

From garlic cloves or Brutzwiebeln breed offspring

Even a single garlic bulb provides numerous toes that are suitable for reproduction. Choose only a healthy, firm and as fresh as possible onion. These divide a few days before planting, so that the interfaces dry.

If a gardener friend already cultivates garlic, this way you will get to the rare garlic seeds. After flowering, the bulbous bulbs present under white shells at the end of the long stems. The purple beads need only be cut out.

So the propagation succeeds in bed and balcony box

Optionally attack the garlic propagation project in October or February. A sunny position in the bed and on the balcony increases the chances of success significantly. In addition, the potting soil should be humus, permeable, fresh and loamy-sandy.

Do not miss the final casting so that the offspring quickly spreads its roots. In the following days and weeks, only regular weeding and watering are on the care plan. An anticipatory planting distance of 15-20 cm facilitates this part of the propagation immensely.

Propagation by sowing requires patience

Already the visual difference between garlic cloves and seeds leaves no doubt. Propagation using tiny bulbous bulbs takes up to two years longer.

Smart hobby gardeners therefore put cloves of garlic in a bed with the aim of a quick harvest. Elsewhere, they sow the seeds to secure the harvest for the next but one garlic season.

Tips & Tricks

Experienced hobby gardeners advocate removing the flower from garlic to improve crop yield. If you allow at least one plant a flowering period, the subsequent bulbous bulbs will provide you abundant plant material for reproduction in the next season.