The onions of snowdrops - combative and sensitive

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The onions of snowdrops - combative and sensitive - Garden
The onions of snowdrops - combative and sensitive - Garden


The onions of snowdrops - combative and sensitive

Between January and March is the heyday of snowdrops. They provide green-white swabs in the barren winter landscape. Here you can find out all the facts you need to know about the onions of the snowdrop.

An onion plant that is tough

The snowdrop forms an onion in the ground. She is her persistence organ, into which she withdraws during the summer and fall. Cool temperatures do not cause any problems for the onion. It tolerates frost well if dropped 8 to 10 cm into the ground.

Pierce the snow - the onion as a cogeneration plant

It is no coincidence that the snowdrop is also called a snow piercer. His onion holds an enormous power potential in itself. It collects nutrients that it needs when expelling the flower in the spring.

This is how it works: If there's a snow cover over the onion, that's no reason to stay in the dark. She burns some of her contained sugar. The resulting heat (8 to 10 ° C) melts the snow ...

Do not cut too early!

Inexperienced gardeners make the mistake of cutting off the leaves of the snowdrops too early. If anything, they should not be removed unless they have yellowed. This is usually the case in April. Those who cut them off too early prevent the onion from sucking nutrients out of them. The result: The snowdrop would not have enough power for flowering in the next year.

How and when should you plant the bulbs?

The onion - a toxic bundle of energy

That snowdrops are poisonous, most people know. However, few people know that their onions contain the greatest potential for poisoning. Gloves should be worn best when handling onions. In addition, after buying or digging, they should not come near children or pets.

Tips & Tricks

Lovers of unusual snowdrops do not buy onions. They buy flowering plants. The reason: Then they know exactly where they are.