For everyone with a balcony or terrace: snowdrops in the pot

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
#28 Essential Tips for Starting a Balcony Vegetable Garden | Urban Gardening
Video: #28 Essential Tips for Starting a Balcony Vegetable Garden | Urban Gardening


For everyone with a balcony or terrace: snowdrops in the pot

It's fascinating how snowdrops fight their tender blossoms through an icy snowpack. Not only garden owners can witness this spectacle. Snowdrops can easily be cultivated in the pot. How to do it will be explained below ...

Which location is suitable for snowdrops in the pot?

Snowdrops in the pot can stand on a balcony, a terrace, at the entrance or in front of the gazebo. Significantly, the location is partially shaded to shady. In the blazing sun, snowdrops in the pot can quickly dry up.

The substrate: Mainly well-drained

The pot in which the snowdrop is planted should be at least 4 times as high as the onion of the plant. At the bottom there are potsherds or pebbles. They prevent water from accumulating and damaging the roots. Next comes a layer of soil over the drainage.

The onion of the snowdrop should be covered with soil at least 5 cm thick. She is placed with the tip up in the ground. Per planting hole can be set up to 5 onions.

Usually a normal potting soil from the trade is sufficient to satisfy snowdrops. Snowdrops value the following characteristics of the earth:

Early flowering season: during flowering

The onions should be planted in the pots in autumn between September and November. Early snowdrops from the garden center are bought and planted between the end of January and the beginning of February during flowering.

Care claim: pour and fertilize

Above all, snowdrops in the pot attach importance to a good water supply in terms of care. In addition, they should be fertilized during and shortly after their flowering with liquid fertilizer.

Remove withered flowers

The training of seeds robs a snowdrop of immense power. Therefore, it is recommended to cut off its withered flower before the capsule fruit can develop with the seeds. Most snowdrops have withered in March.

Tips & Tricks

If severe frost occurs in the winter, the pot with the snowdrop bulbs should be placed in a less cold place. The earth should not completely freeze. Otherwise, the onion suffers underneath.