Maintain the butterfly orchid exemplary - How to do it right

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 16 June 2024
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The butterfly orchid, like all exoctic orchid species, is quite demanding

Maintain the butterfly orchid exemplary - How to do it right

Its lavish flowers and the modest demands make the butterfly orchid the most popular houseplant. The ambitious hobby gardener has to deal a little closer with the care. This guide shows you how to properly pour, fertilize, cut and overwinter a Phalaenopsis.

When and how is the butterfly orchid to be watered?

Dried the orchid soil, pour the butterfly orchid with soft water. Please make sure that excess irrigation water can drain off unhindered, so that no waterlogging forms. Until you have the necessary fingertip experience as a beginner, you are on the safe side if you dip the root ball once or twice a week. If air bubbles no longer rise, allow the water to drain well before placing the plant pot in the planter.

Sprinkle leaves and aerial roots

By spraying the foliage and aerial roots of a butterfly orchid, you simulate the tropical climatic conditions in your native rainforest. Ideally, use filtered, lukewarm rainwater or stale hand-warm tap water.

Does a phalaenopsis come without fertilizer?

Their epiphytic growth as the epiphyte of rainforest trees leads one to believe that butterfly orchids live on water and air. In fact, the aerial roots extract important nutrients from the rainwater. In addition, organic material accumulates over time in the root network, whose minerals keep the growth going. As a houseplant, Phalaenopsis relies on this supplemental nutrient supply:

May I cut a malay flower?

Numerous Phalaenopsis species and varieties branch out into flowered flower stalks. On these extensions sprout fresh buds, which soon develop into flowers. Therefore, cut a shoot only when it has withered and died. Likewise, please proceed with the sheets. Only when a leaf turns yellow and is retracted, it is cut off with a clean knife.


In winter, the butterfly orchid with its beautiful flower dispels all the gloomy thoughts. In the light-flooded location at temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, immerse the root ball once a week in soft water. Every 6 to 8 weeks add some fertilizer to the water. Carefully cared for, your Phalaenopsis overwinters in her magnificent flower dress.