Cowslips prefer sunny location

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Cowslips - A Quintessential English Springtime Plant for Your Garden
Video: Cowslips - A Quintessential English Springtime Plant for Your Garden


The cowslip loves sun

Cowslips prefer sunny location

In the wild, the various types of cowslip species - above all, of course, the true cowslip as well as the also known as the forest cowslip High cowslip - have become quite rare. Here, the protected early flowering plants are mainly found on meadows and in light oak or mixed beech forests or at forest edges. Even in the garden, the plants prefer a sunny location.

Early article cowslip is under conservation Next article The cowslip in the profile

Sunny location with loose, humus-rich soil

Cowslips feel particularly well in sunny to partially shaded spots, where the soil should be as humus, loose and calcareous. Too heavy garden soil - such as a loamy - can be loosened up with plenty of sand and lime. Especially beautiful is the early bloomer, if it is planted under woody plants.

Cowslips best plant in the fall

Cowslips should be best planted or sown in the fall, with the shrubs, once native, very self-sufficient. If a self-sowing is to be prevented, you must remove the bloomed inflorescences. The planting of each cowslip ideally takes place at intervals of 10 to 15 centimeters.


Fancy spring makes a colorful spring flower bed with cowslips, tulips, daffodils and hyacinths.