Fight pests in the garden with beneficials

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
🆕 5 Principles of Fighting Insects In The Garden - Fighting Pest And Bugs Top Video
Video: 🆕 5 Principles of Fighting Insects In The Garden - Fighting Pest And Bugs Top Video


Ladybugs eat lice

Fight pests in the garden with beneficials

Today, pest control is (still) predominantly carried out with chemical pesticides that are hazardous to humans and animals. But what are the environmentally conscious gardeners who focus on unadulterated organic vegetables and fruits to keep pests at bay and protect themselves from crop losses? Quite simply: They use beneficials! Honestly, we were not familiar with this solution to this extent before our research, because: How does the ecologically minded allotment garden actually come to such beneficials?

But then it became clear that in the field of pest control in recent years and according to the well-known biological principle that nature regulates much in life and also in the garden itself, has moved quite a bit.

Beneficials are now also available for sale

In the garden trade and in many online shops as well. Whether it is against the hated codling, fat weevils, spider mites or meadow snakes, against all imaginable pests can now grow at home a beneficial insect, when the pase breed is at hand. And they are in bags for the fight from animal to animal in the room, on balconies, in the greenhouse and of course for the outdoors.

For example: Lacewing larvae against aphids, thrips, spider mites and mealybugs. From 12 ° C, they can be used all year round in a battle area of ​​10 or 30 m2. Price: from 9.99 euros and what still has to be considered, describes the GrünTeam in his garden shop in detail.

It is important for the biological pest control, that you have dealt thoroughly with the subject before and knows enemies and friends of the different garden cultures very well. For this we have prepared a small overview, which may already be useful in the elimination of the most common pest species and, most importantly, helps to prevent their spread.

Tips & Tricks

Most pests have made themselves comfortable on the underside of the leaves, causing spots to start, then bubbles, and eventually wilting the leaves. Best of all, you familiarize yourself with possible enemies of your plants before the spring order.