Cutting horsetail in the garden

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Trim a Horsetail Plant
Video: How to Trim a Horsetail Plant


A pruning of the horsetail is advisable to limit growth

Cutting horsetail in the garden

While horsetail does not enjoy much popularity in the garden, giant horsetail, also called winter horsetail, looks very decorative on a pond. Care includes the annual cutting of this horsetail species.

Early article Horsetail hibernate at the pond and in the pot

Cutting giant horsetail in spring

Giant horsetail is an evergreen that provides color in the garden pond, especially in winter. The shoots are not cut in the fall. Wait with the pruning until spring.

Horsetail cut by:

Horsetail contains a lot of silicic acid. The small crystals make knives dull quickly, so you need to sharpen the sheath. That's why you should not use secateurs for cutting.

Limit growth by root barrier

Just like the little brother Ackerschachtelhalm Riesen-Horsetail tends to spread uncontrollably. You should never plant the perennials in the garden without rhizome blocking.

The root barrier should be brought at least 60 inches deep into the ground. However, it can not stop spreading completely, because the rhizomes are very deep in the earth.

If the plant spreads too much, cut off all external neutron shoots to the ground.

Maintain giant horsetail in bucket

Giant horsetail makes less work when you plant it in tubs. Well suited are zinc tubs with a depth of at least 80 centimeters. Here the horsetail can not multiply via rhizomes.

Cut horsetail in the pot also in spring.

Make a horsetail

Horsetail grows very densely at favorable location. So that the new shoots have enough space, you should calm the plant occasionally.

To do this, cut the stems off the ground. So that the stalk does not fray so much, it is best to start the cut directly above a knot.

Cut horsetail for bouquets

In floristics, horsetail enjoys increasing popularity, because the stems are very decorative in flower arrangements and bouquets.


To remove horsetail from the garden, cutting all new shoots helps. Especially the spore ears should be cut as soon as they grow in spring. As a result, Horsetail can at least keep something in check.