Sour clover - a weed, but also a medicinal plant

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Foraging video
Video: Foraging video


Sour clover is considered a weed, especially because of its proliferating growth

Sour clover - a weed, but also a medicinal plant

Some gardeners get goose bumps, shudder or get enraged when they hear the word sorrel. This plant has already driven many a gardener to the brink of despair. It is known as a hard-to-kill weed.

Why is sauerkraut considered weed?

The sorrel, which comes from the plant family of the sorrel family, is extremely persistent, willing to survive and propagated. Once he has settled in and found favor with his location, it is difficult to remove.

Especially the Hornsauerklee is known for its resilience and is hated by many gardeners. Although it is only one year old, it survives with the help of Wurzelausläufern in the soil. In addition, it spreads broadly with its seeds (a clever sling mechanism) that are easily germinable.

Other reasons why the sorrel is on the popularity scale far below is that it is poisonous and among others can be dangerous for grazing animals such as sheep and goats. Moreover, he displaces the otherwise competitive grass without asking.

How you recognize the weeds

The sorrel is well distinguishable from other plants and can be determined by the following characteristics:

A weed that tastes good

Apart from the fact that this weed is disturbing, it is edible. It tastes sour-fruity and has a refreshing effect. If you tear out the sorrel, you can then eat it with relish, for example, involved in a salad dressing or in a soup.

A weed that helps to healthy

But the sorrel is not only edible. The summit: He is even healthy and extremely curative! Among other things, it has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, appetizing, slightly laxative, blood-purifying and diuretic. With this spectrum of action it can be applied to:


This weed is not usually successfully killed by ambitious weeding or herbicides. The control procedures are usually necessary for several years, until the herb is completely eradicated in its place.