Plant sorrel in your own garden

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Let’s Talk Gardening! Growing Sorrel - Episode 16
Video: Let’s Talk Gardening! Growing Sorrel - Episode 16


Plant sorrel in your own garden

Unfortunately, sorrel collected in nature is sometimes contaminated with pesticides, the fox tapeworm or dog possessions. You can also cultivate the plant that likes to grow in your own garden for consumption.

Previous article The perfect location for the sorrel Next article Effectively combat the sorrel in the garden

How does sorrel grow?

The sorrel (Rumex acetosa) is a very perennial and partially winter-green plant, which in the spring annually expels from its rootstock. The leaves of this Knöterichgewächses represent a centuries-appreciated wild vegetables. The herbaceous plant is depending on the location between 30 and 100 inches high and usually flowers from May to August. The delicate leaves are used after the harvest similar to spinach and can serve as a basis for the following dishes:

Which location does the sorrel prefer?

The growth of sorrel in the garden depends on whether it grows in its estimated sun or in partial shade. To shady locations produce only poorly guarded plantlets. The subsoil should provide the sorrel roots with a medium and deep soil, and the pH should be below 6 as much as possible. In summer dry phases, sufficient water should be poured so that the soil does not dry out too much.

When should the sorrel be sown?

Sorrel is usually sown in rows in March and later singulated. Sowing is still possible in August, but then a harvest is only possible in the following spring and summer.

Can the sorrel be transplanted?

Seedlings grown from seed are relatively easy to transplant if excavated with as complete a root as possible. For larger plants, however, the sorrel's roots can reach quite deep into the soil. If the roots are injured during transplanting and part of the root remains in the soil, a new plant will grow due to vegetative propagation in the same location.

When will the sorrel be harvested?

The best harvest time for the tender leaves is before mid-June. After this time, the oxalic acid content of the leaves usually increases to a stomach irritating value, which can be read off from the red coloration of the leaf tips.

How do you increase the yield of the sorrel?

When cultivating sorrel, it is advisable to regularly remove the inflorescence of the otherwise easy-care sorrel, in order to stimulate leaf growth.

Tips & Tricks

Once the sorrel has settled in the garden, it can proliferate under suitable conditions. A distance from the lawn or vegetable patch is then associated with a lot of effort due to the highly germinable seeds and deep roots.