Male sea buckthorn: It can hardly be dispensed with

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bonanza - Elizabeth, My Love | Episode 65 | AMERICAN WESTERN | Classic | Full Length
Video: Bonanza - Elizabeth, My Love | Episode 65 | AMERICAN WESTERN | Classic | Full Length


Male sea buckthorn: It can hardly be dispensed with

In our world, it would be unthinkable for many men, but in the plant world it looks very different. A male representative of the sea buckthorn can easily take up to 8 female specimens ...

Sea buckthorn is dioecious

Sea-buckthorn berries are extremely tasty and healthy. If you want to adopt this shrub and plant it in the garden, keep in mind that sea buckthorn is dioecious. A male specimen is indispensable for harvesting fruit on female plants ...

When and how do the male varieties bloom?

The flowers of the male sea-buckthorn appear between March and April and usually in front of the foliage and the female flowers. You are at the base of the instincts of the previous year. For this reason, care should be taken when cutting (preferably cut in autumn and not in spring). Otherwise, the flowering will be off in the respective year.

Based on the flowers, male specimens can be distinguished well from female specimens. The male flowers hang on short stalks on the branches. The inflorescence is spherical and the individual green-brown flowers are on average 3 mm in size. Petals have no male flowers. On the other hand, they have a two-leaved calyx tube and four stamens.

The well-known male sea buckthorn: the variety Pollmix

The sea buckthorn Pollmix is ​​considered the male sea buckthorn. He is able to reliably fertilize the varieties Leikora, Askola, Hergo and Frugana, which are female. It is ideal to plant it in a ratio of 1: 4 to female thorns.

Its essential features include the following:

Tips & Tricks

For a male Sandy Thorn candidate to have a chance to fertilize female specimens, it should not be more than 10 meters away from them. It is best to put him in direct neighborhood. Furthermore, it is important to pay attention to the main wind direction, so that the pollen can fly well to the female flowers (wind pollination).