Planting column fruit at the right time of the year

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
PERFECT Fruit Trees for SMALL SPACES | Backyard Fruit Tree Columnar Apple Trees | Urban Permaculture
Video: PERFECT Fruit Trees for SMALL SPACES | Backyard Fruit Tree Columnar Apple Trees | Urban Permaculture


Container plants can be planted practically all year round

Planting column fruit at the right time of the year

When the garden starts to turn green and bloom again after winter time, many hobby gardeners are more motivated to change their own garden paradise. For many plants, it may also make sense to take concrete steps for a garden refurbishment already in autumn and winter.

Generally plant fruit trees between November and March

Most fruit trees are finished at the age of a few years and transplanted bare root into their own garden. This also applies to periwinkle fruit, which is not dissimilar in its requirements for location and care to other types of fruit. Fruit trees generally tolerate transplanting generally when it happens during the winter months at a frost free time. At that time, the plants are in the so-called Saftruhe, rooting but can also provide during the winter time for a solid roots at the new location. Then, next spring, the pillared fruit planted a few months earlier is already firmly rooted in the soil to invest all of its growth energy in the formation of leaves, branches and flowers.

Pillar fruit in the plant container

While bare root column fruit should only be planted on frost-free winter days, specimens purchased in a plant container can be planted more or less all year round at the desired location in the garden. However, midsummer should not be used as a planting season for container plants either, as the plants can sustain dry damage even when transplanted very quickly. While in root-bare plants a certain root recession before winter planting can promote the growth, the soil around the roots of a container plant should be affected as little as possible during planting. For annual planting and transplanting actions, the following factors should also be considered:


Crop fruit cultivated in the pot should be transplanted at least every five years. This should be done in the fall if possible, so that the roots can still recover sufficiently before the winter and thus have grown to the more exposed temperature situation of a tub culture.