Is the switchgrass hardy? - Tips for hibernation

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The switchgrass has a very good winter hardiness

Is the switchgrass hardy? - Tips for hibernation

The delicate rodent millet is a popular structural plant that inspires garden owners to creative design ideas. As the question is obvious, whether the ornamental grass survives the cold season unscathed. Read here about the winter hardiness of Panicum virgatum. So you guide the long-lasting, easy-care sweet grass through the winter.

Location quality determines the degree of hardiness - What to look for

Botanically, the switchgrass is assigned to the winter hardiness zone Z5. This range covers temperatures of -23.4 to -28.8 degrees Celsius. Of course, this robust frost hardiness only applies at the ideal location. Give the ornamental grass a sunny, warm and sheltered place, everything is in the green. In heavy, loamy and permanently moist soil, the plant loses considerably in winter hardiness.

So, the millet is safe through the winter

It is less severe frost, the rod grouse treacherously, but rather winterly continuous. With these simple measures, you can ensure that your ornamental grass retains its vitality during the cold season:

Only in February or March do you cut the grass back near the ground. The measure should be taken in good time before the fresh sprouts, so that the fresh-green straw tips are not affected. Grasp the grass with your gloved hand and cut it up to a hand's breadth above the ground.

Container plants receive a winter coat

If a rod grouse thrives in the bucket, the root ball is not so well protected from freezing cold as deep in the ground. Place the container on a wooden block and cover it with several layers of jute, fleece or bubble wrap. The substrate is covered with autumn leaves, peat or sawdust. If the location is not under a roof ledge or similar rain cover, weed should also be tied in the pot.


The ornamental value of a switchgrass is maximized when its late flowering perennials are at your feet. Combine the ornamental grass with autumn asters, phlox or galleries, draw romantic garden pictures. In the vicinity of autumn flowering fat hens or girls' eyes, the golden yellow to reddish-brown color of the stalks impressively comes into its own.