How to Plant the Glory Crown - Tips and Tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
CABBAGE PRODUCTION tips  with Elizabeth Benjamin
Video: CABBAGE PRODUCTION tips with Elizabeth Benjamin


The crown of glory needs a lot of sun

How to Plant the Glory Crown - Tips and Tricks

The tropical crown of glory is certainly one of the easy-to-maintain plants. With a stature height of up to two meters and relatively large colorful flowers, it is also still very attractive, but unfortunately not hardy.

The right location for the crown of glory

The crown of fortune feels especially comfortable in a bright, warm place without large temperature fluctuations and in the blazing midday sun. This can be quite in the garden in the summer, but also a well-air-conditioned greenhouse or a conservatory. A climbing aid such as a trellis or a climbing frame is gladly accepted.

Ideally, pour the crown of glory with rainwater or stale, room-warm tap water. You can also use this to spray the plant, because the crown of glory prefers a tropical plant humidity of about 50 to 65 percent.

The best floor for the glory crown

For the crown of glory, it is best to use a loose, not too fine potting soil or a substrate based on compost. A ph value between 5.5 and 6 is ideal. Usually, the crown of glory is cultivated in a planter, this should necessarily have a drainage layer.

So overwinter your glory crown

Her crown of fame needs a hibernation at about 12 ° C to 15 ° C. A lot of space is not necessary, because the plant withers after flowering, leaving only the bulbous roots. Bring this tuber into a frost-free and dark winter quarters.

If you have cultivated your crown of glory in a jar, then keep it calm in this jar during this time. Alternatively, there is a box of sand, in which many, quite different plants can hibernate.

In the spring you should plant the crown of glory again. Remove the old soil and clean the tuber. Any educated daughter tubers put into their own containers. Cover the tubers about two to three centimeters high with soil.

The essentials in brief:


The decorative crown of fame is ideal for planting a winter garden, in summer also for the terrace or the balcony.